Chapter Four: Let's Make A Deal

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Sitting in an empty classroom with the outcasts right now makes me feel awkward. We haven't even had a full conversation and I'm already starting to question why I chose to meet with Bronx. I seriously need to stop being so inquisitive.

"Remi, before we begin I'd like to introduce you to my friends," Bronx says, pointing to Cove and Easton who both look like they want to jump out the nearest window. I can't blame them, I would want to as well.

"Thanks, but I don't think it's really necessary, you guys are practically the talk of the school. Plus, I already met Cove at my work," I gesture towards him.

"By the way, how was lacrosse practice?" I lean back in the chair and cross my arms. This will be interesting.

Cove's eyes widen, he clearly is shocked that I remembered his white lie. "It was um, fine...I guess."

"Dude, since when did you play lacrosse? Is there even a team?" Easton asks confused.

"Since now." Cove shoots him a look.

"I thought you hated sports?"

"When I have ever said that?"

"Last week, you were talking trash about the jocks of the school and if I remember correctly, you even said that—"

"No, we do not talk about that! Just drop it."

"Yes, can we please? We all know that Cove here is a compulsive liar," Bronx says with a smirk.


"Now, getting back to the real reason why I invited you here, Remi. I want to make a negotiation with you." Bronx claps her hands together.

"We do? Since when?" Easton then turns to Cove, "Can you believe her? She thinks that she can make all the negotiations around here."

Cove shrugs, "Well, she kinda does have the right."

What the hell are they talking about?

"Guys, please focus." Bronx clearly looks annoyed at the two. "Remi, you know that ring you have looped in that silver chain around your neck?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

This whole charade I had to sit through is just about a silly object?

"Well, that ring is Cove's. He accidentally dropped it," Bronx says rolling her eyes at the last part.

"How do I know that you're not just lying to me? For all I know, you could just want to steal this ring," I say firmly.

Rumors or no rumors, I don't trust anyone.

"If you look inside of the band there's an engraving with the word 'ambush'," sighs Cove.

I hold up the ring in the light and sure enough the engraving is there.

"Fine, you were right about the engraving, but I will only give it back if I get something in return."

"Excuse me? It's clearly mine," Cove says irritated.

"Finder's keepers," I retort.

"Dude, just give us the ring, so we can all get out of here," Easton says exasperated. He clearly doesn't want to be here right now.

"Alright, let's make a deal," Bronx remains calm causing the two guys to look at her like she has two heads.

For someone who's a troublemaker, she sure knows how to remain level headed.

"Judging by how expensive this ring looks, I'd say money is a fair trade." I hold the ring tightly in my hand. Thanks to my father for being a former jeweler, he taught me the trade in dealing with gold, silver, and precious stones.

Cove and Easton both stare at Bronx waiting for a response. She then finally opens her mouth, "Well, I did mention a negotiation, but unfortunately money is something that I don't have at the moment."

"Well, it sucks to be you right now," I say getting up from seat and collecting my belongings. "When you guys come up with some funds, we can then talk."

What can I say, I'm in need of lots cash for my college education. Getting even just a little bit of money for the ring can help me.

"Huh? Wait, where are you going?" Easton asks, puzzled.

"Can't we work this out? I'm sure there's another way we can resolve this," Bronx reaches for my wrist, but I shoo her hand away.

"Guys, just let her go. We can always find out where she lives and steal back the ring," Cove says.

I look at him bewildered, "Are you serious?"

"Dead serious." He says with a blank face, now showing no emotion.

"You know what? I'm leaving." I turn my heel towards the door and leave the classroom, wanting to get away from the outcasts as far as possible. As I close the door, I hear Bronx mouth off to Cove.

Walking through the empty halls, I make my way towards the cafeteria. Maneuvering around groups of students, I head towards the table with the rest of the emos of the school, I then take a seat next to Josh Becker, a guy who's one of my few, actually only friends I have left at Ridgewood.

We met on the first day of sophomore year, the beginning to where I started dressing more dark. It was in English class and we instantly connected, well sort-of. If it weren't for our teacher at the time, Mrs. Henry, assigning partners to work on class work, I don't think we would have really known each other.

Lots of things changed after my dad's death, including my social life. When high school started, my two ex-friends to whom I knew since third grade, decided to ditch me for the popular crowd, apparently to them I didn't have the connections they wanted for parties and boys.

"Hey," I say, tapping his shoulder.

Josh turns his head and takes out his earbuds. "Aye, where have you been? I was going to show you that playlist of MCR songs that I made."

"Just got busy with calculus," I say lying through my teeth. I'm not in the mood to explain my meeting with the outcasts.

"Oh, okay. Do you want to hear my playlist?" He says  eagerly, offering an earbud.

I nod in response.

Yeah, let's just say that Josh is a bit overly obsessed with My Chemical Romance. Actually scratch that, he's a hardcore fanboy.

Hey all,

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. You have now met all three outcasts, not much has been discussed about their background. Once we get further into the story, interesting things will unfold. I promise.

I'm sorry that this chapter was sort of a filler, but it was necessary.

Be prepared for the next chapter, lots of action will occur.

See you soon,


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