Chapter Eleven: A Mind Game

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Ever since yesterday, my phone kept blowing up with text messages from Josh reminding me over and over that I have to do a certain favor for him. This one favor he asks is one that I despise.

Apparently, if I don't go out with Elliot Greene, a really irritating emo, on a date, Josh will never stand a chance of asking out Casey Greene, Elliot's fraternal twin. None of this makes any sense, I know. Sometimes I don't even understand my idiot of a friend's logic.

"I'm not going to do it," I say, as we walk side by side in the school halls on the way to my locker. It's currently passing period, meaning that we have five minutes to get to our next class. But most students at Ridgewood, use these spare minutes to socialize with friends.

"You said that you would return me a favor," Josh says matter-of-factly.

"I was thinking along the lines of buying you food!"

"Just one date, that's all I ask." His steel grey eyes plead.

Over my dead body will I agree to go out with Elliot. That guy has diarrhea of the mouth and constipation of the brain. Last year I had English class with him and it was pure torture having him sit behind me. Whenever the teacher held a class discussion on a book we all read together, he would always dominate the whole conversation and goes as far as debating every answer a student may have given to a question.

"Why can't you just straight up ask Casey out? Are you that nervous to make a move?"

Josh seriously needs to gather up the courage to talk to his hopeless crush. I may be his friend, but I am no wingman.

"Me? Nervous? You actually think that I'm too much of a coward to go and talk to her?"

"Sadly, yes," I admit to him.

"What little faith you have in me," he says dramatically and looks away.

"And besides," I start, "It would be really awkward to go out with Elliot. Sure he's an emo too, but we're still practically polar opposites!"

"But opposites attract." He turns and wiggles his eyebrows at me.

I seriously just want to slap him right now. "I swear t0–"

"Oh, come on now, you walked right into that one." A small smile appears on Josh's lips.

"Remind me again as to why I'm your friend."

"You know you love me."

"Not really."

"Well then," He scoffs and turns his heel abruptly, "I shall be on my way."

"I'm kidding! You know that," I call out.

"See you later, loser," Josh jokes, walking away from me. "I'll text you my plan for your date later."

"What? No, Josh come back here!"

He continues walking off without a care in the world.

I grudgingly head over to my locker and try not to gag as I pass by a couple passionately making out two lockers down from mine. The amount of PDA at this school is unbelievable. Where's Principal Hale when you need her? She would have a field day giving those two a detention.

The bell rings, signaling that class has started. Well, this isn't the first time that I've been late to class. The first time was when I was on the verge of a mental breakdown and ditched the first half of class. I haven't had any since then, thankfully.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2018 ⏰

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