Chapter Nine: Have It Your Way

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"You stalled the car, again!"

"I'm sorry! There's too many pedals, I keep getting confused between the break and clutch."

"But there's only three pedals: gas, clutch, and break. It isn't that hard to remember the order."

"It's not the order, it's when I have to shift gears." I lean my head on the steering wheel, frustrated. "Cove, I can't do this."

"Yes, you can, just start the car again," Cove then mumbles to himself, "for about the hundredth time."

"What was that?" I pick my head up and glare at him.

"Nothing, Remi," He says innocently. "Just start the car."

I clutch in and press the ignition button to start the car up like he showed me how to do the first time.

Driving a manual transmission is so freaking complicated. I don't understand how it can be considered fun to other people.

The car starts and I rev the engine while the car is still in neutral. Cove gives me a look. Not just a look but the look that tells me "if you crash this car, I will kill you."

"Now shift into first gear," Cove instructs, he still has his deathly stare on me.

Keeping calm and cool, I move the gear stick out of neutral and into first gear.

"Okay, clutch out a little bit and press the gas, gently," He warns.

The car starts rolling at a decent speed, I steer the car down the line of empty parking spaces. I'm actually impressed at myself, this is the farthest I've gotten in the hour we've spent in the parking lot.

"You're doing good so far, now try making a U-turn and shifting into second gear." Cove keeps a close eye on me, which is making me nervous to shift.

I reach for the gear stick but at the same time accidentally let go of the clutch too quickly and the car stalls...again.

"That's it," I put the car in neutral abruptly, "I'm done for today and probably for the rest of my life." We're now sitting in the middle of the empty parking lot.

"What do you mean?" Cove asks, "It just takes some practice, this isn't rocket science."

I give him a look.

"Think about it," he sighs, "after you learn to drive manual, you can earn an extra two hundred dollars in a race."

"I'd rather work more shifts at Pita Pan for two hundred bucks." I slump down in the seat.

"Alright, have it your way." Cove puts his hands in the air, defeated. "Now get out, so we can switch seats."

Excuse me? The least you can say is "please", where are your manners?

"Y'know, saying "get out" is kind of rude. You should be more polite when talking to people, especially those that have enough information to turn you into the cops for illegal activities," I say egging him on.

I honestly just want to get a rise out of him. I know, I can be a bit evil.

"Are you trying to threaten me?" His blue eyes stare at me coldly. If I wasn't so used to his glares, those eyes would send shivers down my spine.

"Nope, just stating the facts." I give me a sarcastic smile.

"You do realize  that you would be shooting yourself in the foot if you tried getting the cops involved. Remember signing that NDA?" He smirks at me.

Of course, how could I forget that I'm bound to a stupid contract. Damn it, I didn't think this out well enough.

"Okay, you have a point, but you still need to work on some manners." I point out.

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