Chapter 5

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Jakes pov- I wake up this morning with a huge smile on my face,letting my feelings out to someone has made me feel free and especially because it was Erika she's just different she has been through so much and still is the the prettiest most modest girl I have met.I think I like her abit but she probably doesn't like me back.I might ask her out for some fro yo tonight just as a friendly getting to no eachover thing,not that I want it to be friendly it's just it will be easier if I act casual and abit flirty with her knowing that she has never had a boyfriend before.
Anyway I walk out my room into the kitchen where Erika,McKenzie and Anthony are sitting drinking coffee and talking they all look at me as I walk in with only my boxers on.
A-morning bro
J-morning, hows it going
M- uuuuhhhh you don't wanna know *she said taking some pills from her hangover.*
Erika was still looking at jake daydreaming untill I broke her gaze and said
J-eeerrrr earth to Erika
She jolted her head and faced down as Jake could see her slightly blush
E-morning jake
Jake just giggled.
J-oh well goodmorning erika *he said sarcastically*
They have some breakfast and head to class around 9.
After they got home (from a boring day that I cba to write about)they head to the park and sit on a field with McKenzie and Erika layed on the grass and Anthony,jake and chance playing football.
M-so did you enjoy the party.
E-yeah it was fun did you
M-ummm ye walking in was great
E-is that actually the only thing you can remember.
M-why what did I do *she said worrried*
E- oh nothing it's just you were really really drunk.
M-uugghhh*she sighed face palming*
M-anyway I'm going to meet a guy later when Anthony drops me of before basketball training.
E-ooooo you go girl *she high fives her*whats his name.
M-his name is kade.
E-cool,uuuuuhhghh I'm gonna have to find something to do now I  will be alone.
M-no you won't what about jake i saw you blushing this morning.*she said with a smirk*
E-errrrm I don't know what your talking about *she nervously says putting her sunglasses back on and laying her head on the grass.
M-yeah whatever but I know he is into you
M-he just acts differently about you like he's sweet around you,I know jake very well and he never lets out his emotions.
E-well he is probably just trying to be nice.
McKenzie was about to speak but gets cut of by the boys walking over shirtless all sweaty from running around.
J-you ready to go.
McKenzie Anthony and chance walk ahead while me and Jake are a couple steps behind.mckenzie turns her head around and winks at Erika.
E-*i stick my middle finger at her and she just turns back around and laughs*
J-eeerrm what was that
E-I don't know what your talking about
J-she just stu....never mind umm give me your hand
E-she has a confused face but lifted her hand up,jake grabbed her arm and wiped all his sweat off his head with her hand.
E-eeeerrr that is so discusting jake*she Squeals  but then gets a water bottle out of her handbag and rinses her hands.*
J-stop being over dramatic *he said laughing*
E-oh am I *she said whilst dumping the rest off her cold water all of jake.*
J-u did not Costell
E-r u blind I clearly just did *she sad holding in her laugh and then running off,she heard heavy breathing behind her untill she gets tackled to the ground he was on top of her and begin to tickle her she was uncontrollably laughing.
E-JA...kE...S...T..O...P *she said trying to get out her words between laughing
J-tell me I won*he responds by stopping tickerling her and pinning her hands to the ground by either side of her head.
E- ok... ok you win *she said still laughing and breathing heavily.her laughing quickly slows down as her eyes interlock with his
Erik pov-god them beautiful,mesmerising eyes that I am now in another world with and his fluffy,Mucky blonde hair swaying in the light breeze, which is also wafting the strong sent of his manly cologne from his chiselled chest in to my nostrils. At this point I wanted to kiss him and I knew he did to he leans in still on top of me and as  got closer I was ready to have my first kiss untill we were a few inches apart we got cut off by.
M-come on love birds,we have got places to be she said shouting us.
We both stand up and walk back to them but it wasn't awkward actually we were both just really happy even me for once thinking about it I am happy,the Erika Costell is happy whilst thinking about this my smile grew as we just made it back to the car.
C-why so smiley Rik
E-oh it's I haven been this happy in along time.thankyou guys.
Jakes pov-how can this girl get any cuter seriously.
M-I'm glad rik you deserve to be happy so we thought well we all discussed to make you have an amazing time to live up for the high school years that you've missed.*they all just smile at me getting into the car we all sit down*
A-and trust me we haven't even been to McDonald's yet.*we all laughed*
E-Anthony surprisingly going to McDonald's is a thing that I have done before.
J-thank god I thought I was gonna have to explain to you what a Big Mac was.
*we all laughed again and carried on laughing and talking untill it was only me and Jake at the doom alone*

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