Chapter 8

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They all get ready and are now in a really fancy restaurant.
Erika's pov:it was around 8:15 and we all had just ordered our food we sat down as Kade,mckenzie,me,jake and then chance Anthony and Alex on the others side.I was so nervous I kept on bouncing my leg up and down underneath the table and whilst everyone else was talking and laughing I was qiute I mean i'm so nervous.
J-come on Rik you'll be fine
Erika turned to look at him breaking her daydream.
E-thankyou jake I just can't relax
J-well I don't think bouncing your leg up and down is going to help anything.
E-I can't stop it.
Just then Jake puts his hand on her thigh and it stops here leg from bouncing,Erika turned to him and smiled.After that Erika tried joining into to some conversations and they began eating there meal with Jakes hand still on erika's thigh.
A-so do you guys want to go to a fair at the weekend.
M-yeah that will be good I hate the spinny rides though
E-yeah same one time I was....*ring ring ring ring, Erika immediately stopped talking and looked down at here phone.the table was silent.*
E-I'll just go and take this outside*they all nod*
Erika's pov-this is it Erika get in the professional zone.she answers the call and put it up to here ear trying to keep it from sliding because of her sweaty palms.
S-Hello erika
E-hi yes Sarah
S-well after your incredible job today I was wondering if you would be honoured at signing a full time contact with us at Victoria secret.
Erika's pov-as them words came out from my side of the phone I could not contain my excitement inside all my nerves turned into the biggest smile ever as I sighed with relief.
E-yes I would absolutely love too.thankyou so much.
S-your welcome u will have to come in tomorrow to sign some contracts and as a little welcoming gift we will send you some of our new released clothes.
E-okay that's amazing I'll see you then I guess.
S-see you then
E-thankyou bye
Erika pov - omg I squeal and turn around with my hands on the side of my head trying to sink in what just Happened but then I thought I could easily mess with the guys inside acting like I didn't get the job so I try as hard as I can to get the smile off my face and act sad as I enter the restaurant.
At the table
J-I hope she gets this seriously she deserves it more than anyone
M-yep ik I swear I'm almost as nervous as her.
Jakes pov-It was still dead silente at the table but as we all see her enter the restaurant all of us guys eyes were on her.
C-oh no*he said as erika's facial expression was looking like she had been hit with a train*
Erika came over and sat down,everyone was looking at her.
J-you didn't get the job?
.....3 seconds later Erika turns her head to jake
E-of course I got the job silly.
Erika's pov-Everyone on the table practically went crazy and I was laughing really hard at how gullible they were to believe my stupid attempt at a sad face when In actual fact I was about to explode of excitement.
After everyone settled down from congratulating me jake lifted his arm up with some water in his hands(because there only 18)
J-so guys I think we should have a cheers for this very special girl because you deserved this job more than ever and I know it is just the beginning for you so CHEERS
Jakes pov-I'm so happy for her mckenzie has already texted everyone to do the final touches back at home for the party as Erika got the job.
E-thankyou jake for the toast kinda thing it was really sweet
J-your welcome Erika....hey
J-can I maybe have a kiss
E-yes jake you can have a kiss
His smile grew,and I leaned in grabbed the side of his face and gave him a little but still passionate kiss because we were still in a restaurant with everyone we pulled away he just smirked and I looked down and blushed
Erika's pov-god this man can't stop me from blushing.We finish up our meals and start to head back to our doom I was so giddy and happy walking down the street to our door from the car I jumped on Jakes back so he carried me to the door but everyone was being really qiute and weird so I jumped off his back as I heard loud music coming from inside and lots of people talking.
E-guys what's going on
M-well we thought we would have a little you know surprise party back at our here we are
E-awww thankyou guys*she hugged them and then walked in said hi to everyone and started dancing with jake close to her side.
It's been about 3 hours and it's know like 2am and everyone has just about left because  we have college tomorrow.
Erika has fallen asleep on the couch so I gently pick her up so she leans her head on my shoulder ,I make my way to her door but it is closed and I don't have any three hands
Jake says so Erika's eyes fluttered open,he turned to her still in his arms
E-it's fine ummm what exactly are you doing
J-well you fell asleep and I tried putting you to bed but it didnt really work.
She giggles
Jake pov-me and Erika are so close right now and her giggle is everything I just can't take it anymore after her little giggle I leans in...her breath hinches as I close my eyes and start kissing her,she was stiff at first but then I felt her slowly kiss back.we were still kissing and I was still holding her like we just got married so I grabbed hold of her legs really quick and lift them so there rapped around my waste and push her against the wall all in one motion,she giggled so i took that time to slip my tongue into her mouth I could tell she was shocked but enjoyed it after about a minute I started slowly going down her jaw line and too her neck leaving a small hickey she had her neck to the side with her eyes closed smiling so I kept going but Erika spoke
E-jake I think we should get some sleep
J-yep same
He places her down and Erika pecks him on the lips again
E-good night paul
J-good night rik
He walked out and heads to bed.

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