Chapter 11

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~Jack's POV~

I woke up with Dani in my arms, our legs were twisted together, pulling the sheet over one of my legs but not the other

I looked down, admiring how beautiful my boyfriend was. The way his hair was messily scattered in different directions, or how his eyes would move every so often indicating that he was dreaming. The way he took small breathes in and out. His jawline was literally crafted by some Greek god. He was my definition of perfect.

I slowly leaned down and kissed his nose. I then moved down kissing his soft pink lips over and over until he woke up.

"Good morning baby" I whispered while he fluttered his eyes open.

"Uhhh 5 more minutes pleaseee?" He whined, cuddling back into me.

I chuckled slightly at the boy who had his hands in loose fists brought up to his mouth as I cuddled him closer.

Suddenly he sat up and tried to get up before I pulled him back in bed

"Jacky im hungry" He pouted again

"We can go to Ihop if you give me a kiss"

He grinned and grabbed my face kissing me multiple times before grabbing MY hoodie and pulling it over his head, he stripped to his boxers and slipped on some black Joggers, letting me watch the whole thing.

I leaned toward, resting my head in my hands watching him get ready.
God he is sexy.

Eventually after hearing him whine enough, I rolled out of the bed on the floor and slowly got ready, wearing whatever I had left here.



I smiled brightly as I took my boyfriend's hand and walked in the restaurant.

We got seated and both ordered hot chocolate.

"What are you thinking about getting?" I asked starting a conversation, not that I didnt like the comfortable silence we were able to have but simply because I wanted to hear his voice.

"Um probably the cinnamon pancakes, what about you?" He looked up from the menu, smiling.

"Im gonna get chocolate chip pancakes" I spoke, trying not to laugh.

"Ya nasty" He scrunched up his nose.

I laughed at him before reaching over the table and kissing him.

"You're not get any of this if you taste like chocolate" He laughed

"Im sorry but can you guys leave the restaurant" The waiter asked

"Um im sorry did we do something wrong?" I spoke up clearly confused on why Dani was getting up and ready to leave

"I dont like gays. I dont want faggots in this restaurant"

The minute those words left her mouth I was furious.

I clenched my fists and took a deep breath in.

Dani grabbed my hand and pulled me closer.

"Hey, baby relax. Her opinion doesn't matter lets just leave" He whispered

"Nobody gives a fuck about your opinion" I said ignoring him

"Jack lets go" Dani said pulling me away.

"Dani. We cant just let them treat us different because we love someone of the same gender. The whole reason I confessed my feelings to you was so I could show you off and tell everyone that you're my boyfriend and kiss you in public when I want to. Im not gonna let some bitch get in the way of that." I said, realising I needed to lower my tone.

"y-your boyfriend?" He said smiling

"Of course Dani what else would you be?" I immediately relaxed and looked into his eyes

"Oh thank god, I love you" He grabbed my face and kissed me.

I picked him up and a squeal escaped from his lips. I walked out, carrying him to our car. I placed him in the car and he smiled at me.

"We dont need anyone's approval Jack"

"I know baby" I said kissing him on the temple.

I got in the car and we went to burger king.


I just wanna say thank you to mariafromero for encouraging me to keep writing this story.❤

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