Chapter 13

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~Daniel's POV~

"JONAH STOP" I yelled.

Zach. my best friend was in the corner sobbing, rocking back and forth because of their argument.

"What? Are you fucking kidding me? Stay out of it." He shot back.

"Cant you see he is crying. Hes crying because of you" I said raising my voice just a bit.

"I dont fucking care. Shut your mouth before I beat your ass"

I stood there staring at the guy who was once my best friend in disbelief.

"Jonah. Drop it. Walk away. Dont come back until your calmed down." Jack stepped in

Jonah shook his head no and walked over to Zach, yanking him up by his shirt collar.

"Dont tell me what to do" Jonah replied

Jack walked over to him.

"Put Zach down." Jack spoke, anger laced in his voice.

"Make me."

Jack punched Jonah, he immediately dropped Zach and threw a punch back.

I ran to Zach and rushed him into the room. Away from the madness, away from Jonah.

I ran back out only to find my boyfriend on top of Jonah repeatedly hitting him.

Jonah was unconscious but Jack just kept going.

"Jack stop" I yelled.

He didnt stop he just kept going.

I grabbed his face and his arms immediately went limp. I pulled him off Jonah and on my lap, rocking him back and forth while he cried.

Zach came out and started freaking out.

He immediately started freaking out, running to his boyfriend.

Jack stood up and pulled Jonah up, supporting his body weight.

As we rushed to the car Jack just kept repeating over and over he was sorry.

~Skip car ride because I wanna write the next part im totally freaking out over it~

We managed to get Jonah in and they immediately took him back.

We were sitting in the waiting room and Jack looked at me.

"Im so sorry, I just lost control when he said that and I had no ri-"

"Said what?!" I asked clearly confused.

He sighed and looked at the ground.

"He told me you guys hooked up. He told me about Christmas Eve before we went ice skating. He told me about the night you called him at 3 am. He told me about Fourth of July. He told me about that camping trip you guys went on, and I know I have no right to be upset about it. We weren't together but the thought of you with him was enough for me to break. My best friend. The only person who knew I was so madly in love with you, was sleeping with you."

I stared at him, not knowing what to say.

He stayed silent knowing that I have to rehearse what im going to say 5 times in my head.

" I remembered all the times I called Jonah, they were about you and how I wanted to be more than friends with you. They were me wanting comfort, wanting someone to hold me. He was the only one who knew about my feelings towards you. Everytime he came over he offered me an.....alternative. He would make me feel like I could be loved for that short amount of time and then he would leave again, leave me wishing I was with you. I did things that I regret with him. There was no feeling to what I did with him, I just wanted to feel loved and I thought you would never feel that way about me. Please dont look at me differently Jack." I spoke, whispering the end.

He pulled me close to him and placed a sort kiss to my temple.


I honestly had like half of that planned but then new things came in my head and I just went with it😂 I have no idea where this is going yet but here ya go❤

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