You're my only friend

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Shark : sabre yesterday when you were sick.  What really happened .

Sabre : it's something with my eyes . I was born with it . they're sensitive to light . I get headaches  .its been improving over the years .

Shark :  i know how that is to . live with a imperfection . i have to wear glasses . and nobody excepts me for that .

sabre : why . there is nothing wrong with your glasses .

shark : haven't you noticed . i'm the only one here with glasses . i'm different . 

sabre : so am i . my entire life i have never fit in . i have moved around and have never gone to the same school twice . always breaking rules and getting in trouble its just who i am .

shark : i have to leave . the late bell is going to ring soon .

sabre : Andrew .

shark : yes sabre .

sabre : nothing ..


* sabre * 

 the morning had just started and i had just gotten up for school . today i am forced to wear the uniform . the blue shirt and white pants . no sunglasses or bandannas , nothing , but the uniform . make up over the scars and imperfections . hide everything . i don't want to , but i have to fit in . i will never be excepted . i will be excepted . i am different . i am " normal " just like them . i am conflicted on who i am .


shark : bye mom. bye dad .

mother : have a nice day Andrew .


* shark * 

 today i felt off . like something was wrong with me . like i was sick or something . i felt like i was missing something .like i forgot . the school bell rang and i walked inside . and i felt as if i had been hit by a wave of water and suddenly everything changed . i felt free from everything like i was a puppet on a string or a robot programmed to the same routine . i moved around the hallway . looking up and around the building . noticing every little change and imperfection . i looked at everyone else they looked pale and gray toned and then there was sabre . he was  not as pale , but he wasn't wearing his black clothes and his choice of shoes .he was wearing the coded uniform .  he spoke to me the same way he always did . different tones in his voice . unlike a monotone one of any other person here .

sabre : Andrew . why are you staring at me .

shark : i don't know its like everything changed . its like i just woke up from a nightmare .

sabre : Andrew . can i tell you something .

shark : yes.

sabre : how many friends do you have .

shark : i have no one .

sabre: did you count me . 

shark : i guess i didn't .

sabre : your a friend to me .

shark : your my only friend .


shark : is that make up .

sabre : on my arm yes and shoulder and under my eye .

shark :  why .

sabre : to hide the imperfections .

shark : sabre to me -

* school bell*

sabre : i'll see you tomorrow Andrew .

* shark * 

 he walked away before i could finish the sentence . to me he's perfect ...

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