right where we are

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* sabre *

we drove our cars into the parking lot of our school . today was senior prom . none of us and dates . we're all going single . i got out of my car and walked up the front steps into the building fixing the cuffs off my rented tux . my ears were filled with the slow music with out words .this was the only time the school allowed music to be played on campus . i spotted Andrew talking to george . i saw nathan sneak behind the record played and unplug it . plugging in his phone with an aux cord putting on a playlist of his music .mostly songs by imagine dragons and my chemical romance . but a rare ed sheeren song came on and i took Andrew by the hand and we started dancing together . spinning around and constantly moving around the floor as the other students stayed constant in one spot doing the same thing . 

Andrew : this is a mistake sabre .

sabre : not to me . i looked over at moose who winked at me and high fived nathan .


moose : do you want this dance .

nathan : this is a one time deal .


* sabre * 

 me and moose traded off dance partners and nathan talked to me .

nathan : sorry i couldn't help it . i had to see you two dance together . 

sabre : its okay . moose trade off . hey shark .

shark : hey sabre..

* sabre * 

 my hands had locked with Andrew's as we danced together . this was really fun . Andrew was smiling and so was i . i noticed a few other kids . start to dance like us and the teachers started to pry them away from each other , because touching was not allowed . i traded off dance partners again with someone different he had blue eyes and brown hair . traded back i got back Andrew . i took Andrew outside with me to look at the night sky . we talked for a few minutes before going silent . before he broke the silence .

Andrew : do you ever wonder why society is like this .

sabre : i don't know its been like this since i can remember .

Andrew : I've read books saying a long time ago . things were different . people were free to do what ever they wanted and listen to music when ever they wanted . love who ever they wanted .

sabre : when i was in foster care my foster mother told me that when she was a little girl about age two she remembers an announcement saying everything was to be purged them perfected . leading to this .

Andrew : i wish everything was back to what it was .

sabre : we can get it back . but for now we have to start from where we are .

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