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* sabre * 

 i suffer enough to where i feel helpless .i suffer from insomnia , and get at most an hour's worth of sleep . the only real comfort i get is from listening to the rain hit the roof of my house . the steady droplets hitting the wood and glass . then the thunder  makes me feel like myself . like i can do anything . the storm outside had gotten worse thunder happened more frequently and rain got heavier . i went to the basement of my house that i had converted into a workout room . the punching bag in the corner an weight set on the opposite wall . i had a repaired treadmill in the middle of the room . i got my phone out and pout headphones in and turned on my playlists . and start to punch the punching bag . the storm outside getting louder . i turned the music up louder trying to drown out the sound . i had finally stopped the music and went back upstairs to take a shower and go to bed .  i heard frantic knocking at the front door .  i still had sweat dripping off my hair . i opened the door to see Andrew . his clothes wet from the rain and he was shivering , because the wind  was cold . i let him inside and gave him a towel front he bathroom to dry off with . i noticed his face was slightly red .

shark : its nothing sabre .

sabre : sure . " nothing ". tell me who did it .

shark : i can't . that's a rule any fight that goes on after school hours is legal with no consequences for the students involved .

sabre : tell me who did it .

shark : i can't sabre . i just can't .

sabre : if your not going to tell me then i'll have to find out on my own don't i . 

shark : fine . tango did it . ( mango tango )

sabre : Andrew go get changed . i have extra clothes in my dresser upstairs the shower is in the bathroom on the second floor next to my bedroom .i'll be back around midnight .

shark : where are you going .

sabre : i'll be back at midnight .


tango : get out of my house ! 

sabre : well then Andrew should not have a bruise on his face then .

tango : i'll call the cops .

sabre : rule number twenty seven B . all fights taken place after school hours . has no consequences or punishment for the students involved or in other words . i can kick your -

tango : please don't hurt me . i just did it because . he's different . he's  imperfect .

sabre : nobody's perfect !


* shark * 

 sabre got back at exactly midnight and had a black eye and several bruises along his arm and on his face . he looked at me for a brief second before disappearing into the bathroom for an hour . returning in different clothes and was cleaned up . he went upstairs and i heard his bedroom door shut i fell asleep on the small couch in the living room . the storm outside calming down and eventually turning to a distant rumbling and silent rain . i can't believe sabre did that for me . after all he's been through . he did that for me . i guess Friends are there for each other no matter what ..

let the bullets flyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt