Chapter 1

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Narrator P.O.V

It was just like any other day in the Fairy Tail guild hall. Natsu and Gray constantly at each others throat and of course instigating an entire fight within the guild. Erza of course walked in unbeknownst to Natsu and Gray due to them being so absorbed in throwing insults at each other. Erza annoyed walked straight towards them got a hold of their heads and slammed them into each other. " How many times do i tell you guys to stop fighting in the guild hall! Or fighting at all! Do you even see the guild hall you idiots." yelled Erza. Mirajane of course intervened " Maybe instead we could just get them to get along better instead of using violence. Right Master?" Makarov stood up on the bar and rubbed his chin. " I suppose perhaps making them stay together under watch would be good to form a type of bond. Perhaps it could help them grow." he stated. Erza nodded in agreement and agreed to go to help and make sure they stay together. Makarov then said," Yes and I'll send Lucy and Gajeel with you." Lucy was pretty glad she was able to go with them especially since she need more information for her fanfiction she was writing. "So it's decided! And I know the perfect place!" Mirajane said as she smiled. "Wait.. wait ..wait! Why do I have to go spend time with that flame brain for?" Gray yelled. Erza just cracked her knuckles threateningly and said," Because the Master said so." And gray quickly shut up.They all continued to discuss the trip and then Lucy noticed Natsu wasn't joining in or in the group at all. She turned to see natsu depressed in the corner drawing circles on the floor. "Um Natsu are you ok?" She asked approaching him. He turned looking like a hurt puppy and said, " Do we have to go? I heard theirs a train ride.." Lucy was nervous in saying it, " Y-Yes! we do but it'll be fine Natsu i'm sure you'll be fine." Cana then said," Gray your clothes!" And gray of course didn't notice till she pointed it out. "How long..?" Natsu said. Lucy didn't really hear what Natsu was asking. "What is it Natsu?" Natsu turned to the group and asked, " How long..?" Lucy still confused didn't answer. Gajeel noticed what he was asking and replied" Its a short ride." Gajeel was of course lying to him and looked away as he replied. "And how long is short?" Natsu asked. Nobody has given him a straight answer. Erza sighed and said " Its a short 7 hour ride you'll be fine." His eyes widened at the news and his soul was quickly leaving his body. Gray just started laughing at him and then Erza quickly shut him up with a whack to the back of his head.They agreed on staying in a cabin for a month or until they got along.

~Time skip~

The next day they all got there luggage but were missing one particular pink haired guy. Erza already knew why he wasn't there. So they all quickly went straight to Natsu's house and knocked on the door. Natsu opened the door looking through the crack and Erza slammed the door open practically breaking his front door. Punched him in the gut and dragged him along with some suitcase the stuffed with random clothes. And with everyone their they headed to the train station. The whistle blew and they boarded leaving the poor crew to put their luggage on. Especially with Erza's mountain of luggage. Gajeel just laughed at the passed out Natsu and they all just enjoyed the ride. " Um Gajeel why are you perfectly fine? Don't you also have motion sickness?" Lucy said. "Gihee I got an anti-motion sickness potion." Gajeel said smirking. After they all talked and joked for about 2 hours and he groggily woke up from being on Erza's lap. And immediately his motion sickness kicked in. Gajeel quickly gave him the same potion and immediately Natsu felt better. "Wah! Thanks Gajeel I feel so much better now!" Natsu said with a wide grin on his face and then ran back and forth on the train. Irrated by this Erza whacked him on the back of his head when he ran back their way. "Sit down NATSU!" Erza yelled. Gray just chuckled a bit and then quickly cleared his throat. Erza saw him smile and laugh at Natsu and she smirked. Gajeel caught on and teased gray by sticking out his tongue with his famous laugh and pointed at Natsu. Natsu of course confused and oblivious didnt understand and Gray simply blushed and quickly changed sides to not sit next to Natsu. Natsu and Gajeel were talking about something only Mavis knows what and their ride continued. Soon the hours passed and the had finally arrived at the Cabin. Natsu excited ran into the cabin. It was a Two story cabin with 4 bedrooms. To help them bond Natsu and Gray were notified that they would be sharing a room. Gray and Natsu both started to bicker arguing that they weren't staying in the room with this idiot. Erza bumped their heads together once again making them groan in pain. " What did we say about fighting you idiots! This is so you wont fight!" Erza yelled. They both headed to their rooms as did the rest of the gang while Happy was asleep on their luggage.

Grays P.O.V

We started to undress and i couldn't help but stare at Natsu. He looks pretty good like that and kinda cute. I couldn't help but smirk. I plopped on the bed and damn this bed is comfy. "Gray!" Natsu yelled. "What flame brain." I retorted. " I've been calling you for a while you stupid ice princess." He said with his arms crossed. "So what do you want?" He simply stared and said " Nevermind, I'm going to shower." Tch yea right he isn't cute at all. I rolled my eyes and then quickly got bored after a few minutes. So I decided to go down stairs and found a book and Lucy wrote it. I didn't know she wrote a book. I opened the book to read it and .....

(To be Continued)

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