Chapter 3

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Narrator P.O.V

Natsu went back upstairs to find gray simply laying on the bed with a book over his face. Not really caring he went out to the balcony and watched outside while talking to happy. Meanwhile downstairs Gajeel,Erza, and Lucy all conversed on how them getting along with reduce lots of damage that they cause on the daily. Soon the three did realize they haven't really eaten since they have arrived so they called Natsu and Gray downstairs. Natsu came down with a white sweater on along with his regular (fabulous) pants and scarf. Gray and Happy following behind while walking down towards the kitchen.

Gajeel P.O.V

The two idiots walk down here and OH MY MAVIS ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! Its so frustrating how this stupid ice prince changes clothes in a split second like wtf man. Anyways we still needed to know which one of us was going to cook and it sure as hell aint gonna be me unless you want to eat Iron for dinner. " Well we need someone to cook, so which one of you are going to do it." Erza stated. " Well I don't cook" Gray said after she finished and he backed away. Lucy smirked like a weirdo and said " Me and Natsu can cook dinner." Natsu just stood their like an idiot with a confused look on his face, like always.

Narrator P.O.V

After Lucy drags Natsu into the kitchen and kicks the rest of them out they started to work on dinner. After about an hour the table was set and filled with food. With bickering and laughter they all sat down and enjoyed the meal. " Ahhh That was great! Right Happy!" Natsu said with a big grin on his face. "Ayy sir!" Happy replied while on Natsu's shoulder. "Yes the food was great, now goodnight you guys." Erza said before leaving the table. "Yeah goodnight and have fun you two" Lucy said while waving at Gajeel. With this Natsu,Gray and Happy were left alone so they decided to go to their room and sleep. Natsu and Gray kept their distance when they first laid down not even wanting to be in the same bed as the other but as the night went on Gray got irritated. Natsu has been moving in his sleep for the past two hours constantly. Finally having enough and wanting to sleep Gray grabbed Natsu with one arm around his waist and the other on his head holding him tight and bringing him closer. With his tight hold Natsu didn't move but instead snuggled into Grays chest and they both fell asleep.

The Next Day

In the morning the mages came to check on Gray and Natsu for they hadn't been in the main room. Upon opening the room they could see Natsu and Gray snuggled close with their legs intertwined and Natsu snuggled in Grays arms. With this they smirked to each other and closed the door. " Seems their much closer at night huh?" Lucy said while looking at the other two mages suggestively. They laughed and continued to converse downstairs. About an hour later Gray started to get up. Once he had rubbed his eyes and was finally somewhat awake he saw Natsu in his arms and quickly pushed him away. "What the hell!" Gray yelled as he quickly pulled away causing him to fall on the floor.

Grays P.O.V

AAHHHHHHH!!!! What the actual hell. Why were we cuddling like that in bed!? Ugh I need to clear my head. Simply sitting in the shower with his thoughts he continued. Right.... Last night that pyro freak wouldn't stop moving around so I kept him still. And then when I woke up... Ugh. I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment when waking up to that scene. Like what the hell. I hope he wasn't awake for any part of that. Geez why wont my heart stop. Whatever Im gonna go downstairs. "Hey Gray, I see you two slept comfortably hehe" Lucy said while giggling. Hahaha she thinks so funny doesn't she. "Yeah whatever." I replied crossing my arms. " Whats up guys!" Natsu said waving at us with his usual grin. He probably doesn't even know that we were.... Gah! whatever I don't want to continue thinking about it!

To be continued.. Why so embarrassed gray? lol 

{Another chapter rewritten}

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