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if thou cannot take it, then thou shall not throw it
Niggalation 4:27

This is a verse that I pledge by okurrrr ! If you cannot take the heat get out the mf kitchennnnnn ! What I mean by this is, if you're a woman or a man gender roles don't apply here 🤷🏽‍♀️ and you wanna swing at me ? Best believe I'm swinging right back on that ass ! Why not 😕 ?!

This is where women get the game messed up, ion wanna hear no "oh you must be getting yo ass beat" cus no sir no ma'am no turkey no salami, I was raised to hit that ass back and if push comes to shove imma slap that nigga.

But y'all girl CANNOT ! Be out here two piecing these men and when he gives you the side of mashed potatoes and whoop that ass you wanna get all in ya feels calling them people on him .


Fellas , this don't mean y'all have an okay to just be Kimbo Slicing is women. You guys have more testosterone for a reason. You can gladly pin us up on the wall or on the bed or something and hold out little asses down until we've gained some self control .

BUT ! If a woman is waxing that ass and you just so happen to slip up and backhand her, yes your initial reaction is to feel bad about it which you should but SHE should also feel bad about putting her hands on you as well.

LADIES ! He is your significant other not your child, you're too old to have to be told to keep your hands and feet to yourself ! Grow up

A/N i can't wait this blows up and I get an editor so she/he can add some gifs to make this shit super funny 😭

It's time y'all recognize this is 2018! Nobody got time to be playing tag witcho ass ! Keep your hands to you ! If you hit, don't be surprised when you get hit tf back !

And this goes for the men too ! Cus listen sus my right hook is lethal. My name ain't Tina and you damn sure ain't Ike. You really gonna be rolling on the river you try some shit with me 😭

It don't matter where you come from or what you're race is though seriously , it's just boils down to having sheer respect for your partner. Throw a fit not your fists 😉 you heard that from me first DONT STEAL MY SHIT !

- Jackster Out 👻

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