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I hope y'all know I pick my verse I'm gonna use after I finish the rant because then I find out how it will apply.

Pick a side pick a sideeeeee !

No I'm not talking about Nicki , that topic is way too sensitive for me I'll be triggered asf .

I love her btw, ion play with her I'll fess you up something stupid !

But when I say pick a side I mean within yourself !

This goes for my women and my men , cus it's a lot of broke ass bitches out here too !

You CANNOT ! Be broke asf and want a nigga with 3 bmw's and a condo

You CANNOT ! Be broke and speak on other people not having the funds cus bitch where your bread at ? ( bread means money )

You CAN ! Get off your broke ass and get a JOB DOE !

Like , I really don't get it. You guys be broke as a joke that ain't funny and always wanna speak on someone else !

Like get YOUR shit together my love , you just like HIS bumass . Can you say twins ?

I really wish I knew how to insert gifs it would be so hilarious rn 😭

Quick off track when I publish this if you wanna be help me HELP ME ! I won't pay you though because I'm broke sis.

But back to the original conversation, honestly get off your ass b !

And ion wanna hear nothing about public assistance, because there are thousands of people that genuinely need it and they actually use it to get themselves off the ground or for extra support. Like bitch do you wanna be the ambassador for public assistance since you feel so strongly about it ? Oh thought so

#Triggered cus I FEEELLL the hate coming girl. I'm all for it though 🤪I clap tf back.

People y'all pride is too high and bank account is too low for y'all to be out here acting like you're too good for anything. Ain't nobody got time for that . You better flip that goddamn burger for as long as you have to ! If you didn't want to flip the burger you should've done what you had to do so you wouldn't be in this position.

I know what y'all are gonna say " oh I didn't ask for this life, this life chose me" like okay thugga thugga well YOU need to CHOSE to fix your mf situation! Whether it be wealth or the absence of it, you have the power to make your life what you want it to be .

Ain't no handouts bihhhh !

If you want it bad enough get up off your ass and go get it .

Another off topic note , my and keeps correcting to "smd" and it's very funny but I will absolutely try my hardest not to say smd on any post. Besides this one obviously because I said twice.

But honestly, unfortunately we weren't all blessed with a silver spoon in our mouths but between you and my I'd like to polish my utensils okurrrrr 🤪

Shining shining no Beyoncé 😜

Didn't I say 300 to something words ? All of these post have been over 600 words 😭 I just be talking I stg ( swear to god )

But let's be serious for a second, everyone is capable of making a way out of no way, and I know right now it may seem like the situation you are currently in seems irreversible but I promise you it'll get better. You just have to try , just put the work in and do what you gotta do and trust me your life will turn out differently. It's all up to you . You got this ❤️

If you don't want to help yourself first done expect for someone to just reach out and give it to you stink , the universe doesn't work that way .

" struggles are required in order to survive in life, because in order to stand up, you gotta know what falling down is like" - Google

- still don't know what to put here .

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