#WhooooYouTalkingToo ?

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Bruh , this ? Was sitting on my soulllll I tell you !

Thou shall talketh how thou walketh. Periodth- niggalations 17:38

I don't give a fluckkkk who did it, said it, heard it or whatever else . If you talk to me like your crazy ? I'll show you crazy . PERIOD !

That's it good bye loves 😚

No I'm joking but on a serious note, I am with all the gas and all the smoke . Meaning , don't talk to me like you LOST YA DAMN MIND . Unless you wanna fight.

I don't want to hear any "I'm too old to fight, I have better things to do" then BITCH I advise you think before you mf speak.

Cus I got time .

I will NEVER anyone to disrespect me, and it's not because of my fighting abilities ( which are great btw see me hoe). It's the simple fact that I rarely disrespect anyone , I'm very polite and well mannered so if you're coming off to me strongly YOU are in the wrong and now you have to get these repercussions.

I don't tolerate any form of disrespect from anyone . I don't care what your position in my life is, I won't have you belittling me or making me feel any way simply because you hold a higher position than me.

Can you beat me though ?

I don't get how people let their bosses come off crazy, like Sandra idgaf how bad your day was I'm gonna need you to take it down several notches cus I'm not the one babes.

Don't take your anger out on me unless I am the sole reason for said anger.

Take it up with the bitch that made you angry sus.

You got the wrong one.

Especially your spouse, my man or my girl depending on how I'm feeling that day comes in our home on that bullshit, imma let them take a few seconds to gather themselves but you better USE THE TIME !

Don't come home from wherever you were bringing that negative energy with you .

Take that ass in the shower , wash all that shit off them we can try something .

But don't do it, cus you'll only hurt yourself beloved .

Imma always be good, but you gone get cussed tf out and be even more in ya feelings .

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2018 ⏰

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