[2] Forget You "Imagine"

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Fractures// Illenium
Part 2? Please vote and comment!

It wasn't working and you knew it. With Ari being gone for long periods of time, you had begun to miss him more than usual. He had promised that he would continue to try and make your two year relationship work, but with all of the touring, the tv show interviews, and the parties, you knew that it was going to end soon, whether the two of you wanted it or not.
The rain pats down lightly outside, something uncommon in the spring time of California, but welcomed by your wants for the rain. Coco plays softly in the background, the tv illuminating the living room and shining into the kitchen. You stir the milk around your tea, watching the water move round in waves. The simple action reminds you of when you were a kid, swimming in circles in your childhood pool, trying to make a 'whirlpool' with your friends. A sigh escapes your lips as you pick up the mug and lean against the counter, watching the tv through the doorway. 11:30 pm. Ari said he would be home hours before, but his flight got delayed and now, as you wait, you wonder how you are going to break the news to him. Gingerly, you sip at the hot liquid that, rests in the mug, and wait.
Some time later, your legs beginning to hurt from standing still for so long, a click sounds at the door. You long ago finished your tea, but the mug still rests in your hands, unmoving as if it were full. Someone on the outside would have thought you a statue as the real news of your situation had hit you.
"y/n? Are you here?" You swallow the salvia that had been building on the corners of your mouth and call back.
"In the kitchen Ari." Finally, you place the empty mug on the counter and untangle yourself from your landing position. A pain shoots up your legs but you ignore it and move towards the door frame. Ari stands in the hallway, dropping bags to the floor before kicking the door closed with a huff. When he spots you, a smile lights up his face, but one does not light up yours. The expression on his face falters and he turns his head towards the living room where your bags are stacked in the couch. Carefully, he turns back to you.
"Baby, y/n, what's going on?" You run a nervous hand through your hair but stay in your place, not wanting to be any closer to him.
"Ari.." you trail off, unsure of how to tell him.
"Just say it." You lean against the door frame and cast your eyes to the floor, not wanting to look at him as you break his heart.
"I can't keep up with you always gone. It breaks me to think about all of the things that you could be doing on tour." He takes a step forward and you take a step back. "I'm moving to Minnesota, to move in with my sister. I'm going to go to school and move on. If you would like to fix this, you can come find me. But I'm sorry, for now, I can't do this anymore." A honk sounds from the driveway, indicating that your best friend, Jackson, had arrived. You had asked her to pick you up once you made the decision and her being completely understanding, agreed. You cross in front of, Ari, still not looking at him as you step over his things. He catches your wrist and you freeze in place, unmoving.
"I can't lose you." His voice comes out as barely audible, just above a whisper. It's full of pain, heartbreak, betrayal. You knew that he thought the relationship was fine, but full communication had always been something that the two of you lacked.
"You won't even know I'm gone." Your words cause him to let go of, your wrist. In a moment of weakness, you take a glance back at him and immediately regret it. He stands there, tears staining his cheeks, lips parted. He looks broken, like all of him was slowly falling to the fire and then burning alive. A tear rolls down your cheek as you take a few steps away and begin to gather your bags. You take one last look at him, your face stone.
"Maybe if this is fixed, I'll see you again." And then you leave, walking out of the door towards Jackson's car and not looking back.

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