[5] Rolling Art "One Shot"

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So, I wanted this to seem intimate, but not express it with words that are straight up. I hope you guys enjoy.
Also, please vote and comment my loves xx
Clocks by Coldplay

The old streetlights that rest outside my window, flicker as if allowing the dark to consume them. My pen had been scratching on the paper in front of myself for hours now, the soft tune of Coldplay playing in the background. Left over blotches of ink had smeared onto my hand but somehow remained solid on the page. The red letters of the digital clock beside me reads 1:32 am, glowing in a sort of taunting way.
My eyes scan the page once again, the figures of clocks and intimate bodies stretching across the once blank paper. Why I had worked endlessly on this? That, I am not sure. I guess it had been the fact that I have been waiting for Ari to get home from New York, or maybe it was just the fact that I knew I wouldn't be sleeping tonight. Heaving a sigh, I place the pen to the paper once again and begin to scratch in more details, not that the drawing needed anymore. It was unusual for me to spend hours upon end at once on a drawing, usually being too busy out and about to just sit and sketch. But tonight, tonight has been different in the way that I have let my creativity simply flow for ages.
A click from across the house can be heard followed by the closing of something heavy, a door. A small smile spreads across my face as I realize that Ari is home. Pushing back the rolling chair that I have sat in for so long, I stand. My legs wobble a bit, not used to the movement, before regaining their consciousness and carrying em to the front of the apartment. Ari's back is to me, his hand attached to the keys that are stuck in the keyhole. With a jingle, he pulls them out and turns his body to face me. The first thing that I notice is how exhausted he looks, but he's always that way, never giving himself enough time to rest before he's off on another adventure. As soon as his eyes land on mine, he takes a few step forward and wraps his arms around my frail body, holding me tightly. My nose is filled with his scent, a scent that is a mixture of airplane and his cologne, a scent that I have become accustomed to. We stand in that little eternity for a long while, just holding each other, remembering that we are together once again.
"I love you," Ari whispers, burying his face into the crook of my neck.
"I love you too," a small frown decorates my lips for a moment. "Are you alright?" Ari pulls away and looks down at me before placing his lips to my forehead, a quick movement that I love every time that he does it.
"I'm just tired." The frown that I wear turns into a small smile, one of love.
"Well let's get you to bed, you need rest." He doesn't protest as I place my hand in his and pull him to the bedroom. He wears his exhaustion as if it's his clothing, only something that he ever does when he's home with me. I move over to my drawing while he changes, my eyes scanning my own art that I had created merely hours before. It's interesting, how I was able to come up with such a piece, but I love the creation of it, the soul that it takes to make beauty. As I examine my work, two warm arms wrap themselves around my waist causing me to giggle.
"What's this?" I can feel Ari's breath on the side of my neck, the hot air leaving goosebumps on my skin. One of his hands reaches down to glide his fingers across the skin of the paper. I told my head down, not exactly wanting to look at my own art work, as if embarrassment suddenly filled me.
"It's- nothing. Just something that I did." I go to pull away from the scene but one of Ari's fingers lift my chin to look at my art that lay in front of us. His fingertips trace across the tattoos identical to his, moving to graze over the male character of the art. I turn away again.
"Come on Ari, let's go to sleep." My body tries to pull him away, but he holds me in place, eyes stuck in my drawing as if they are glued there.
"It's beautiful." The words carry on his breath causing my body to shudder. I had never shown him my intimate, late night drawings before, the ones that contain so much more emotion over my other ones. They have always been very personal, never ready for an eye other than mine to see, even if that eye were my long term boyfriends. "I say we frame it."
Ari places soft kisses on my cheek and looking down at my art, I decided not to protest. If he liked it, surely there must be something in it that he deems enticing, gorgeous. At the moment, all I want is to stay in this scene, but I know in my head that Ari needs rest, and staying as we are is drawing that away.
"Well alright, but after we sleep." Finally, I am able to pull him away to the other side of the room where he pulls me down into the softness. His strong arms are quick to wrap around me, something that I had missed so dearly in his absence.
Ari falls asleep within seconds, but I lay awake, eyes gazing in the direction that we had been holding each other. I imagined him grazing my art, and a small smile crosses my face. He always speaks the truth, shows who he is, so I know not to fear how he feels about my art.

Lauv / Ari Leff One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now