[7] Holy Heck LA "One Shot"

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   Little thing to prove that I'm back from the dead. So hi, I missed y'all. Thanks for continuing to read my one shots. Xx Ly

"LA!" I breathe out as we drive through Hollywood.
    I had somehow been convinced by my best friend, Sam, to fly into the city to spend a week with him. I had never been to Los Angeles and I'd have to say that the main push factor was that Sam agreed to pay for the whole trip. Well that wasn't an opportunity that I would give up. So now my sister, Kenny, and I drive through the city on our way to Sam's house that he shares. I had never met his roommate, Ari, and I had never really been inclined to look him up, but pulling up to the massive hillside house, I know that I should have.
    I am quick to jump from the car as soon as it rolls to a stop, throwing myself onto the sidewalk and up the pathway. The large oak door opens as I get closer and Sam reveals himself in all of his tall glory. Without hesitation, I wrap my arms around his torso. He holds me closely, stroking my hair as we stand in the doorway. I hear a car door slam and the beeping sound of the cars trunk opening and I know that Ken is grabbing our things. Sam pulls away and holds me at arms length, eyes gazing down into my own.
    "You look older are you... are you wearing make up?!" I playfully slap Sams arm as he swipes a thumb across my cheek.
    "Oh come on Sammy, it hasn't been that long." He frowns at the old nickname but is quick to chuckle. Letting go of me, he walks over to Kenni, giving her a quick hug.
    "How was the flight and getting the car?" Sam raises a eyebrow and the older girl as she pulls her bag and then my bag from the trunk.
    "Not too bad, driving however, well I hate driving in LA." Kenni shrugs, pulling out her phone. "I'm going to call mom and dad, let them know that we made it here safe." I nod in response and watch as she walks a few paces away.
    "Is this the famous Thumbelina?" I turn around to see a tall, brunette haired man standing in the doorway. He wears a blue hoodie, with white jeans and shoes to match.
    "Elina, but yes. You must be Ari?" A bright smile lights up his face and he hops down the path towards Sam and I.
    "Oh, so Sam does talk about me?" He raises an eyebrow to the blonde haired boy who crosses his arms.
    "Nope, I have never talked to my best friend of eleven years about you. Not once during any of our five hour long calls. Nope." Sams voice is basically dripping with sarcasm and I let out a few giggles at Aris expression.  His lips are slightly parted and he just stares at Sam.
"Okay man, cool, yeah, com'ere ." Ari takes a step forward, reaching for Sams hair. My best friends eyes widen and he ducks out of Ari's reach, moving around him.
"Oh! No, Nope!" Sam and Ari chase each other around, laughing and slapping at each other like little kids. Kenni walks over to take the spot next to me, a smirk on her face as she watches them.
"This is going to be an interesting trip, you think?" I run fingers along my arm, watching the boys as Sam grabs a hose on the ground, pointing it at Ari.
"Oh yeah," I respond. "This is going to be an interesting week.

There WILL be a part 2.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2019 ⏰

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