Two Weeks Later

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it had been two weeks since the whole deal thing between me and zayn about me Kissing Liam .Between Liam texting me like crazy over these two weeks its been crazy.I had got 15 text messages and 9 miss calls. and his first message from him was:


(Hey can we talk about the whole kiss thing?)

Miss call:

(Lilly,please answer me.If you have the chance that you get this please call me.Please I'm sorry.)

Miss call:

(Lilly pick up the phone Zayn is really Pissed at me and I need to talk to you about that thing.)

Miss call:

(Lilly I had fun that day when I sang I would to you.You know I wrote that for you and only you.)

Miss call:

(Lilly please answer me)

Miss call:

(Lilly we need to talk,Please answer me.)

Miss call:

(Lilly if you don't answer me.I don't know what I'll do if I can't hear your voice.)

Miss call:

(Lilly can you at lease text me.I'm sorry)

Miss call:

(Lilly the lads right now hate me for breaking Zayn.I need to fix this)

Miss call:

(Lilly can we fix this by meeting somewhere?)

(please answer me lilly)

(Lilly I love you)

(Lilly zayn may have told you he loved you to and he would do anything for you.Lilly I promise you I'll would do so much more  than zayn would so would you please be mind?)

(Lilly I don't know what I would do without you.)

(sorry for hurting you and making you having to choose between me and zayn,but I promise I will always love you so much more than Zayn could ever do.He can always get a girl to fall for him.I'm a shy person and the one who never gets a girl.But when I saw you that one day at the coffee shop.When I saw you you made my heart drop and you are the most beautifulest girl i ever saw lilly.SO lilly if you feel the same will you be so happy than to be my girlfriend?)

I was so tired from liams texts and calls.Everytime it played it would play the song liam wrote for me.Wat their group that just released and it the album was called Up All Night and their groups names was called One Direction.And went on that date with Zayn and the lads he had told my parents that he was in a band with his mates called one direction.

So this means I like two boys from a british and Irish boyband called One Direction.Right now I couldn't believe myself right now.

So since i was so shoked I decide to call liam on the first ring nothing.On the second ring nothing.On the third ring nothing as it was about to go to voicemail he pick up.


(lilly hello thanks for calling and I'm sorry about the-)


(Its ok liam I like it.)


(You did,its hot that I like it to what I'm saying is do you maybe want to go out sometime.)


(Are you asking me out Liam Payne?)


(Yea maybe)

(I would like to go out with you)


(That's great lilly I love you by the way)


(You know what I found out today?)


(What did you find out flower?)


(So do you remember when you guys took me out that one day and Zayn said you guys were one direction?)


(Yea why flower?)


(I heard your album on my phone and I loved it and I didn't know that intil I heard your voice on this song called (Up all Night.)


(Oh thanks I love that you love my voice Lilly.)


(Oh your welcome Liam.)


(So do you maybe want to go on a date with me next friday because I get off of work early that day,so we can go on a date if you want?)


(Sure I would love to liam.)


(Ok i'll pick you up at 5:30 see you flower!)


(bye Liam.)


This was the best choose I ever made,but Zayn's going to be heart broken when he hears that Liam and I are together..........

My only love-Zayn malik/Liam payne fanflictWhere stories live. Discover now