A date with Liam

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Play this song when you see this ''



Liam picked me up at my house.I was wearing a blue short dress with my hair down and with my purple glass of course.

Liam kept looking at me ever since I got into the car.

What's a matter babe?

(yea i call him babe but his is my boyfriend)

"Nothing flower,just seeing how beautiful you are and how lucky I am to have you."Liam said

oh ok just making sure/

"are you alright baby?"Liam asked

Yea i'm ok,but just a little worried.

"Why whats wrong love?"Liam asked

I haven't even told Zayn or the lads were together.

"oh,Well baby lets just put that off right now and lets focaus on us ok?"Liam said

Yea your right thanks babe.

"anytime flower."Liam said

You know I love that nickname

"glad because its yours."liam said

(I giggled at that he was so cute.Liam was dressed in a black suite and was in a formal way.)

So where are we going on our first date?

"well since your not a big fancy person I decide we go somewhere you and me could be alone."liam said


(Liam started to drive on a gravel road)

where we going babe?

"you'll see just wait."Liam said

(when Liam got out he opened the door for me.When I looked up we were where you could see the whole town of london.It was so pretty.)

Wow liam this is amazing..

"thanks because i'd thought you would love it and here lets eat."Liam said

(he pulled me over to a blanket,their was pizza and strawberry with two cans of sprite.)

How did you know I like strawberries?

"I didn't but I love them too so  thought you would too so i brought them."Liam said

Well I do.


When we got done eating I learned so much about liam that his full name is:

(Liam James Payne)

I also learned that he is a year older than me.

(August 29,1993)

He had told me his mum and dad name is and he had two older sisters.


He had told me he went to (Wolverhampton Collage)Which was weird because I go to school their.

I had had told him some stuff about me like that my full name is 

(Lillian May Jenkins)

And I was born on (June 19,1994).

I also told him my mom and dad and I had a one older brother.


Liam and I were laughing at how much we were alike  and he got up for no reason.

What you doing babe?

"hold on let me go get something."Liam said

(I watched as he went back to the car and opended the trunk of his farroi and pulled out a guitar.)

"this is for you baby."Liam said

(he started to play this song

'Little things'

After the song was over I kissed him,the kiss was slow and it was perfect.I was really happy and liam made me happy.The kiss ended 5 minutes later.

"you know we should head back to my place."Liam said

Sure can we at lease stop at my house so I can get clothes?

"Lilly,baby I asked your mom and she was ok with you staying with us.and I asked our styliset Lou to get you clothes and their in my bedroom.so your good,you don't need to bring anything."Liam said

Ok so then lets go its getting late and I'm tired.

"Ok baby."liam said

(so we put everything in the car and liam and I went back to his and lads flat......)

My only love-Zayn malik/Liam payne fanflictWhere stories live. Discover now