[1] Warm Drinks

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One thing Yuzuru always loved was cuddles, especially after practicing late. Normally, you'd go over to the cricket club to watch him, but today had been a long day and you hadn't had the time.

"Sorry, Yuzu," You had said that afternoon when you'd hugged him, "I won't be able to watch you skate." He frowned slightly at this.

"But I like seeing you watch me," He pouted slightly as he grabbed his training bag by the door, "Who's gonna hand me my water and tell me 'Good job' now?"

You laughed, "Your coach?"

He pouted again, but you folded your arms and stood firm, "I have to do a lot of homework today, this class is really beating my ass."

He frowned slightly, "Maybe I could help you?"

"I doubt you know the first thing about Criminal Investigation."

He shrugged, "For you, I'd learn anything."

"Cheesy ass," You cursed at yourself as you thought of that afternoons conversation. He was always so cheesy sometimes, even though you told him not to. You shook your head as you slipped on a pair of pajammas. Yuzuru was cute, even though he was an interesting fellow.

You had changed and had started making hot chocolate when the doorbell rang. You washed your hands before traveling to the door. You smiled when you saw him in the peephole.

"Yuzuru?" You asked as you opened the door, "I didn't know you'd be coming."

He bowed slightly, "I would have called but my phone is out of battery." You stood away from the door and allowed him to walk inside. 

"Want some hot chocolate?" You asked him, although you were already adding in the milk and powder for a second cup. He smiled warmly as he trailed behind you on your way to the stove.

"Yes please," He requested, taking a seat on the couch. "Is it okay if I turn on the TV?"

You laughed lightly, "Yeah, I'll pour the cups in a second."

Yuzuru was by your side in record time, "Be careful, don't hurt yourself."

You shook your head, "I got this Yuzuru it isn't that bad- OW"

He jumped up as he realized that you burned yourself on the hot chocolate.

It took approximately three minutes for Yuzuru to stop freaking out and bandaging it.

"Yuzu I've burned myself a lot of times before-"

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" He said, bringing your burnt hand close to his chest. He kissed your hand, looking at you, "Stay safe, please."

He insisted, after that, for you to sit on the couch and pick a film while he finished getting the drinks.

You settled on the comedy, 'Leap Year,' telling him that he could use it to practice English. He shrugged as you turned on the subtitles, cuddling into him as your drink cooled down. He held you closer and kept his hand on your hair, ruffling it softly in a soothing matter. 

You fell asleep before the drink cooled down, but you didn't need it anyway. Yuzuru's embrace was warm enough.

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