[5] Jealous Much?

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"Am not!" Yuzuru whispered to Javier, who had just poked him.

"Admit it, you are jealous,"

"Javi I hate-"

"What's going on?" It was almost as if she'd materialized out of nowhere, but there she stood - right behind them

"Oh, we were just talking about how Yuzuru felt-" Javier started, smirking, as he pushed Yuzuru's buttons. 

Yuzuru's faced flushed and he quickly shut him up with a slap and a loud declaration of "Javi you are so bad!"

"Well then," She said, looking at them awkwardly, "I was just coming by to say I wont be accompanying you guys through practice, I'm going with my friend to show him downtown!" Her eyes sparkled as she smiled at them brightly, the boy she was dragging behind her smiling too.

"Sorry for any inconvenience I've caused you," He said in an accented English, "It's just been awhile since I've seen her."

Yuzuru forced a smile on his face but he couldn't help but look at their hands, which were locked together, intertwined by the fingers. He felt his smile falter for a second, but he knew how to keep up appearances. He nodded curtly.

"Have fun," Javi said for the both of them, because it became apparent that Yuzuru refused to address the other young man. He stared at Yuzuru who started to brood the second they walked away, giving off a gray aura.

"Peanut butter and jelly." Javi whispered - it was one of his favorite English phrases to say and he loved how he could always apply it to Yuzuru.

Yuzuru ignored him, but his face was still flushed as he thought about how he was supposed to be holding her hand. He huffed a little to himself, shaking it off before getting ready to get back on the ice. He refused to think about how she smiled as she dragged the boy along, about how her eyes twinkled with happiness, about how her- ugh!

He shook his head as he popped the jump, angry with himself. 

It was safe to say that he had a hard time focusing that day. No matter how much Brian had urged him to focus, he couldn't. It didn't help that every time Javi would pass him, he'd go "Pb and Jelly~" With such an annoying tone that Yuzuru wanted nothing more than to snap his neck.

After his two hour skating class, he trudged out, declining Javi's offer of a ride home. Instead, he opted to take the bus, spending his walk there somewhat annoyed. Usually, he would talk to her as he walked there, and he would walk with her home before walking to his own. He blew a gust of air out, wishing she was there so he could hold her hand.

Before he could sulk anymore, his phone buzzed in his pocket, showing that someone had called. He stuck his hand in there, pulling out the phone littered with small cute stickers on it and answered it the second he saw the caller I.D.

"Yuzu? Are you there?" He heard her ask breathlessly on the end, as if she had just been running.

"Where?" He asked lazily, stopping his stroll. "What's wrong?"

"I'm so sorry I meant to come back earlier I didn't pay attention to the time properly, I'm at the TCC now where are you?"

He felt a small smile grace his face, "You came back for me? How cute. I already started on my way to the bus."

He heard her curse under her breath, something she always tried to hide from him so that he wouldn't add them to his English vocabulary.

"I'm so sorry, I know you don't like to be alone that much," She muttered as he heard her walking fast,  she knew he felt lonely a lot so she tried to spend as much time with him as possible.

He laughed lightly, "You don't have to worry about me," He felt himself stiffen as he remembered him, "What about your friend?" He asked bitterly.

She stopped walking, a few meters away from him, "Yuzu are you jealous?"

"What, why would I be-?" He felt himself grasp for words, his ears turning red, but he stopped suddenly when he felt a body press into his.

"I love you," She said from where she stood, her arms around him, "Even though you're jealous."

He sighed as he ended the call, slipping the phone into his pocket as she let go of him, walking to his side. "I couldn't help it, I don't like to share." He pouted.

She laughed, "You don't have to worry," She reached for his hand, clasping it with her own, "We had fun, but I missed seeing you too."

He smiled warmly at her, "I missed you too." They continued walking, hand in hand, letting the slight breeze welcome them. He smiled at her again, admitting to himself, 'Okay, maybe just a little jealous.'

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