[2] Cooking

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"Come on, please-" Yuzuru whined as he followed you around your shared apartment. He wanted you to make Omurice for him, as he was hungry but not allowed to cook. "You know, if you'd just let me cook-"

"Do you not remember what happened last time you cooked?" You stopped reading the book that you were holding, turning on your heel and instead opting to place your hands on your hips. "I had to scrub down the floor three times, Yuzu. Three!"

"Sometimes eggs just get a bit messy that's all-" He rushed to defend himself, sticking a finger in the air for emphasis, as if to say that it was one time.

"Why were you even using flour for eggs? Can you answer that question for me?"

Yuzuru opened and closed his mouth like a gaping fish, unable to string together words coherent enough to use. Instead, he opted to whine again, "Please," He whined again, pleading with his eyes.

You turned around again, opening your book. You looked at the words, but you couldnt focus with him standing behind you and you knew his eyes were still wide. You sighed as you closed the book, tossing it on the couch you were standing over. "I guess I won't be reading that chapter today."

Yuzuru pumped his arms in the air, giddy with excitement. "You're going to make it then?"

"Yeah yeah," You mumbled as you walked to the kitchen, mumbling to yourself as you pulled out your ingredients. Your heart was still beating erratically and you couldn't get his cute look out of your head. His hair, slightly damp from taking a shower, his clothes slightly loose fitting and cute, his eyes warm and big and his lips-

"What're you thinking about, babe?" He strolled into the kitchen on long legs, opening the fridge door to grab a bottle of water. You almost choked on air but you quickly collected yourself. The second he found out calling you pet names made you flustered, he was resolved to doing it all the time. It took him a couple days to stop blushing when he said it, but now the names just rolled off his tongue in his accented English. He insisted that calling you them helped him "practice," but you knew he just wanted to see you flustered.

"Nothing," You mumbled back, cheeks ablaze as you organized your cutting board. He smirked at you from where he stood, leaning on the fridge. You were so cute.

"If you say so, babe." He said again, this time the full sentence was in English. You took in a sharp intake of breath but forced yourself to focus on the onions in front of you. He smirked at your reaction again, reaching over to pinch your chubby cheeks.

"Cute," He muttered to himself in Japanese.

You mumbled something along the lines of shut up to him as you tried to hide your face while you cooked.

He laughed, "Let me help you then?"

"Fine, but under 1 condition," You turned to him, pointing at his chest, as you were a good 4 or 5 inches shorter than him, "You need to do only what I tell you to."

"Is that an order, sweetheart?" You took a deep breath, choosing to ignore that your face was most likely turning noticeably red. He smirked again at you, reaching his finger to boop your nose cutely, "I'll listen to you."

You flushed again at the sincerity in his voice and had to clear your throat. "Bring the rice out from yesterday," He nodded, walking over to the fridge and helping you.

30 minutes and a whole lot of failed egg flips later, you and Yuzuru sat down to dinner. You sighed as you washed your hands before joining him at the seat next to where he sat. 

"Thank you for the food," he said, smiling at you. You muttered your reply, laughing at how cute he was. He stopped for a second, something striking him suddenly. "Wait, I'm going to feed you."

"F-feed me?" You flushed, putting your face in your hands, "Yuzu I can eat alone without any help I-"

"I want to, you look so cute." You flushed again, handing him your spoon and letting him.

He cut a piece of it and put it on your spoon, except at the last moment, when you closed your eyes to avoid looking at him when he brought the spoon to your lips, you felt Yuzuru connect his lips with yours instead. Your eyes flew open, your face flushed.

He pulled away, smiling, "I couldn't help it, you were so cute."

Your face was on fire at this point and you kept opening and closing your mouth, not knowing what to say. You settled on putting your face into his chest to hide your face. He laughed lightly at this, and he raised an arm to bring you closer to him protectively.

"My cute sweetheart."

"Shut up Yuzu."

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