[3] It's Gonna Cost You

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"It's gonna cost you." He smirked at her once again, as she blinked her eyes.

"What do you want for it, Yuzu?" She asked, reaching for her book again, "I'm not giving you money for a book I payed for!"

"You got it on a gift cared, I was with you babe."

She stopped reaching and flushed for a second, stomping her foot "Same difference!"

"Literally is not, it's like the biggest difference to e-"

"Just spit it out already, Yuzu, what do you want for my book?"

He stopped for a second, letting his arm relax above their head, almost as if it was a mistletoe. "A kiss."

She opened her mouth, her eyes wide and her ears red, "I-For my book?"

"Mhm," He smiled sneakily, enjoying watching her flush. "Or, you could let me spoil it for you?"

"You would never!"

"Oh but I would. You see, Javi read the whole book and had an interesting conversation with me about it yesterday during practice." His eyes gained that mischevious glint yet again, "He loved talking the most about Jess, the main character right? How her cousin died-"

"SHUT UP YUZU," She screamed at him, her hand flying up to slap it onto his mouth, cutting him off, "Fine, I'll give you your stupid kiss."

"Aww you don't like kissing me?" He asked from under her hand. She flushed bright red at this, mumbling to herself.

"It's not that, It's just..." She stopped for a second, dropping her hand from his mouth, "Embarassing."

He laughed at this, bright bells that danced around the air. She was sure she was going to die at this point.

"You're so cute, you know that?" He asked, pulling an arm around her waist and pulling her closer to him. "Fine, you can have your book back."

Her eyes lit up at this and she looked up at him. He smiled and reached down, placing a soft kiss on her lips. "And I had my kiss."

"Yuzuru you're so cheesy oh my god!"

"You love it," He teased, rubbing his nose against hers.

"Yeah," She said, laughing slightly, "Sadly, I love you."

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