[6] April Fools

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A little late but april fools!

Yuzuru did not understand April fools. 

He understood April first, he understood it as a new business year - like how they saw it back home in Japan. What he did not understand was why he woke up to his pant-leg tied to a shirt which was tied to the foot of the bed. What he did not understand was why someone had mislabeled the salt and sugar - something he figured out during tea.

Of course, every year, Brian and Javi would tell him April fools, or crack a joke or even that one time when Javi filled his locker with a whole load of balloons - an interesting thing to open to - but he only ever had an idle curiosity as to why everyone put all this effort into ruining other peoples day.

He thought about it as he brushed his teeth for the third time since his tea, as he put on socks, as he packed his training bag. He couldn't find an answer. He was glad when he saw his girlfriend walk in the house briskly, as if she was on top of the world.

"April fools, Yuzu," She smiled, going on her tip toes to kiss him on the cheek, "Enjoy your tea this morning?"

He grumbled out a reply, something between a cross in "shut up" and "it was gross." But his mind was still stuck on April Fools. "Why do you guys pull silly pranks on this day anyway?" He asked as he reached down to slip on his gym shoes.

"I dunno," She said, looking down at him with a bit of a confused face, "It's never specified. Just something we do I guess."

He grumbled, "That makes no sense at all. If you're going to make me drink salty tea at least explain why."

She laughed as he walked out the door, muttering about how she'd be out in just a minute to walk with him to the station.

"April fools!" The lady at the front desk exclaimed, "How's your morning been?"

"Bad." Yuzuru put so much stress on the one English word, the two females couldn't help but laugh. Yuzuru pouted, flashing a small smile.

"What happened?"

"Bad tea," He pointed at his girlfriend, "She messed up ... sugar and drink was ..." He paused for a moment, thinking of the right word, "Shoppai? Ah no, salty?"

The lady laughed, "Salt and sugar mix up, unoriginal but very effective."

"Yeah you see, that's what I was goin for," Came the voice by Yuzuru's side, laughter laced within.

Yuzuru pouted, "It taste very bad."

"I bet," the receptionist laughed, "I'll let you two go on now." They waved bye to her and parted ways as Yuzuru went to the changing room and his girlfriend to the skating rink.

"Morning," She called, as she saw Javi already there on ice - on time, if not early.

"Good morning! April fools?"

"April fools!" She gave him a high five and watched him skate around the rink from where she sat on her bench.

"I'm going on now," Yuzuru's voice came from behind her, and he lifted a free hand to ruffle her hair, placing his pooh tissue box next to her. She let a hand drop on the head of the stuffed toy, rubbing its' ears.

"Good luck,"

He hummed as he got on, thinking idly about the April Fools' as he warmed up. He couldn't shake off the question.

He went in for a single axle, landing it nicely as a small clap came from the bench. He looked up, where she sat smiling at him. Beaming, one might say. He felt his heart skip a beat. Okay, maybe just maybe he could forgive the sugar and salt mix up.

It wasn't until he noticed you leaving a bit early, saying you had an errand to run, that he started to suspect maybe something was the case. He squashed the thoughts down and tried to focus until they announced the end of the session. He made his way to the locker rooms, waiting for some improper and horrible surprise to dawn on him. 

Except, there was nothing.

No water on top of the door, no oil on the chair, no honey on the bench, no balloons in his locker. He squinted his eyes, not convinced. It wasn't until Javi strolled in and opened his locker that it pieced together.

In the locker was an interesting contraption, one that ran along the walls, with little strings and ties and a bucket at the bottom with a weird green substance. The opening of the door set of a chain reaction and they watched in some horrible fascination as it took place, the string untying, the small marble hitting the wall and bouncing back, setting off another string - so horribly captivating.

Every beautiful moment must come to an end.

"Javi, wai-" Yuzuru went in to move Javier a little farther away, but he never moved them both in time. The green substance exploded everywhere, getting them both dirty. Their phones buzzed, and Yuzuru took a shaky, goo covered hand into his pocket to read the text message from his girlfriend.

"Happy April, Fools" The text read.

Yup, Yuzuru would never understand April Fools.

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