chapter 7

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When the next morning arrived Ada doesn’t know what to do, she wants to visit her father but doesn’t think that her mother would be okay with it. Today they have breakfast in the pool garden, when she came her mom were too busy with her magazine that she didn’t even steal a glance at her. The house chef AKA Paul quietly served their breakfast.

“Is that gallo pinto?” Carla suddenly appeared, and turned towards the breakfast table. Paul nodded and gave her a big smile. “Oh man, you are the best” Carla said as she sat on the chair next to Ada. She quickly digs through the food as soon as the plate reached the table.

Ada noticed that’s something different about her twins today, aside from her odd cheerfulness she wore glasses, it has a full black frame which make her look like that kind of girl who tried so hard to be a nerd. Not that it look bad on her.

“I love your glasses. It’s nerdy, suites you well”

Carla gave her the dreadful glare, her forehead wrinkled in disgust. Ada realized since she and Carla isn’t so close, that was pretty much out of line. She shouldn’t have said that. Carla gulped down the food that was in her mouth and sipped her tea. Here it comes, a voice in her head said.

“Thank you. Do you know why I wore it?” Before Ada could answer she speaks up “because I couldn’t fucking see. So if I want to avoid hitting the walls or getting slipped because I can’t see how the floor is wet and slippery, I need to wear glasses or contacts. You know not all of people blessed with a pair of healthy eyes like you.”

“CARLA!” her mother finally put down the magazine. It seems like she has a habit to call her youngest born’s name with a warning and irritated tone. Carla ignored her and goes back to eating breakfast. That got Ada thinking that all this time Carla were wearing contacts, somehow she’s almost sure that she is the reason why her sibling decided to put on the glasses, Carla wanted to look different from her. Ada stays silent.

Halfway through a really silent breakfast, a blonde woman came in with an iPhone in one hand and a journal in the other.

“Morning Elle” she greeted her mom, Paul came right after with an empty chair for her to sit. Her mother gave her a little smile, and slide the magazine to her. She quickly put that magazine in her LV bag.

“Oh Ada, this is Meghan Liddell. She’s my first assistant, whenever I leave she’s the one in charge of the magazine. Meghan, this is my oldest daughter Ada.” How could she’d forgotten about her mom’s profession, in the last few days she acted like her mom is just a normal housewife which of course she doesn’t, how could she have such a luxurious life if she’s just a normal single housewife. Meghan offered her hand and Ada politely shook it.

“Your mom talked so much about you” she said a sincere smile spread across her lips, Ada replied with a little smile. “So Ada your mom will be away this weekend and I will come tomorrow to fill your closet. Do you have any preference?”

Her jaw might drop to the ground by now. She stared at her mother who she didn’t remember ever mentioning about going somewhere this weekend. Ada felt a little bit neglected that she has to hear this from someone else. Her mother nodded, her way of saying ‘that’s true’. “Red. I like red”

Actually her mom doesn’t have to do that, Ada has enough clothes to wear but considering her line of work she could understand why she does that. “Anyway mom I’m going to visit my dad today. After school, of course”

Her mom raised her eyebrows “I see, I’m taking Don with me so Carla will-“

“Won’t do that, I have another thing to do” Carla interrupted earning an objection looks from her mother. Surprisingly her mother doesn’t yell her name.

“It’s okay I could do that by myself” Ada said assuring her mother.

“Alright, but use a car, talk to Don and use whatever you like in the garage”That earns a half smile from Ada who tried her hardest to hide her amazement. She’d never thought her mother would be okay with the idea of her going to that place.


When Ada reached school, she ignored all those people who stared at her car. She never thought when her mother said ‘use whatever you like’ there are more than 10 cars available in that frigging huge underground garage. Don who turns out to be the house personal chauffeur said that Carla is a car enthusiast and it seems like it doesn’t matter how she constantly get on her mother’s nerve, that woman still loves spoiling her. Ada ended up driving silver BMW 7 to school. Great now people would think that she’s showing off. She should’ve known that from the first time she sees that Carla use Audi R8.

She was hoping her twin’s eye catching car would help keep her from teenagers prying eyes, but seems like it doesn’t work.

She find a parking spot next to a familiar SUV, whose owner is too busy working on his camera the blonde girl beside him is talking seriously. Ada stepped out of the car, both teens turned to look at her. After a few seconds he gave her a smug grin.

“Morning Miss. Wong” He said.

Ada mumbled good morning back at him, the girl besides him took the camera and gave her a friendly smile. Leon noticed that, “oh yeah, right. Ada this is Jill- uh Valentine, Jill this is Ada Wong”

Jill offer her hand, Ada took it and shook it firmly. “Nice to meet you Jilluh Valentine” she joked, the blonde girl laughed.

“Same with you, but ditch the ‘uh’ and call me Jill” she grinned and her expression is back to serious “why’s your last name Wong?”

Ada looked at her, never thought that she would ask such thing. This girl could win an award for being the most random teen ever.

“No offense but your last name is Wong while your twin’s is Radames, that got me curious”

“Our parents were never together and they decided to split us up” Ada explained. Jill seemed to think about what to say next, but before she could say whatever it is Leon held up his camera and pressed the button. The flash temporarily got Ada blinded.

“WHAT?” she blinked a few times, Leon just gave her a smug look.

“You had that look whenever you’re in serious mode, it’s pretty cute.”

She could hear Jill mumbling ‘not again’, her fun and friendly expression turn into something that you called disgust.

“Whatever, tell me when I can talk to you instead of hearing that cheesy flirting, Leon” said Jill with an apologetic smile that she probably does in behalf of Leon. Just like that the blonde girl left.

Ada sighed and started to walk in to the school building, Leon walked beside her.

“You and Jill, are you?” Ada gave him a questioning look

“Me and Jill what?” He asked back “Dating? Thank God we’re not.”

She felt relieved when she heard that, why does she have to felt that way? Is it because she’s just happy that wasn’t going to start a girl fraud? She’s not the kind of girl who cares about that kind of thing.  Before she could get lost in her own mind Leon speak

“So tomorrow, I’ll pick you up at 5”

“Oh right that dinner plan” To be honest she was hoping Leon would forget about that, actually shedoesn’t want to come.

“Yeah I’m talking about that dinner plan. Well I’ll pick you up, unless you prefer your car if so I’ll give you my address”


“You don’t want to? Why?”

“I mean yes I want to but no it’s fine if you pick me up”

“I see” He said with a big smile, he lean towards her and whisper “well I’ll pick you up at 5”

She was taken aback for a seconds, never thought that flirty mode can escalates that quick. She replied with her signature coy smile, then leave. One thing for sure he has changed her mind, now he’s not the only one who’s looking forward to the dinner.

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