Chapter 11

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They're close…

She could hear the sound breaking through the supposed to be silent night. She hit the gas pedal harshly, the car accelerate uncontrollably.

"What are you doing? You're going to get us killed"

Clenching the wheel even harder she accelerate more.

Minutes goes by with silence, it seems that they've given up chasing them. But she did not slow down, even for one bit.

That's when it happened.

The car hit something, causing a loud crash.

She'd swore she could hear a scream.

And it's getting louder and louder.

"What are you doing?"

"You're going to get us killed"

"You don't want anything bad happen to us, don't you?"

"Why are you doing this?"

"Don't try to act like a victim"

She could feel herself backed into the corner. The sounds keeps hounding her, it's as if dozens of people is shouting at her at the same time.

And it doesn't help that those people bare an accusing looks on their face. They started to move forward and closer. She shut her eyes tight.

"It's okay. It's going to be okay, you're doing great."

Ada jolted awake, breathing uncontrollably like she has run for miles. She grabbed the white plastic on the bedside table, breathing into it to calm her down. After a few minutes, she stood up, knowing well that there's no way she can go back to sleep.

Past midnight archery sounds perfect.

The house has a really big garden and even at night it surrounded by tiny lamps that glows beautifully. Ada carefully took out her favorite bow from its case and grabbed one of the arrow. She took a stance, her eyes are focus on a plank that's hanging on a tree. She breathes in.

Just like always, it hit right on the spot that she wanted to.

'Clap, clap, clap'

She averted her gaze to the one behind her, who's slowly clapping.

"Here I thought that bow is only for decoration" the person said.


"Why're you up so early big sis? A monster peeking out under your bed?"

"The same question goes for you too" Ada sighed, her hands reaching for another arrow. Then she shoot.

"Aw come on, I am trying to be the cute and perfect little sister here"

Ada regard her with a bored look. Instead of answering she took another arrow, but this time points it to the twin. Carla has a smug look on her face, not even for a second she showed fear. The arrow swiftly flies towards, hitting the tree that's right behind her, that spot isn't even more than 30cm away from her head. She looked up and smiled.

"Not bad, huh" she commented.

"So enlighten me for a bit, what are you doing here?"

"Taking a 2AM garden stroll, what else should I do?"

"Go be a nuisance to someone else, Carla" Ada said harshly, remembering how Carla acted like she's the worst person that could ever live. "You hate me that much aren't you? So don't waste too many time on me"

That surely sting a little even for a stone-hearted person like her, is it?

"You think I hate you? Ouch"

Ada stay silent, Carla gave her a little smile.

"It's not that I hate you, the problem is the man who raised you" she fussed, her eyes gazing the dark sky. "I loved to read so much when I was just a little kid. In those book I've always been fascinated by how the king would do anything just to protect his little princess. Then I would wear cute dresses and go to a park and play with the kids there. There's this one girl that usually came with her Father, whenever she does something she would ran to her Father and told him that, the man will pat her head and said 'That's my princess'."

"So I couldn't help but to imagine that somewhere else you're that little girl with a father. That's how pathetic I was" she continued, Ada swore she could see the gloomy look breaking for a seconds.

Ada never asked for the pity diary, but now she understand.

The reason her sister being so hostile towards her.

Carla is jealous.

How ironic, since she's also jealous with the life that the other has. Not that she's going to brag about it like Carla did.

"Yet here I am" Ada said bitterly.

"Here you are, it help a little when I realized he's such a jerk" she admitted with a soft chuckle. "But still, there's an old me that wanted to get to know him better, that's probably why…"

"That's why you're still keeping tabs on him" Ada murmured, finishing the other girl's sentence. Remembering that her old man mentioned about Carla visiting him. It shouldn't be a surprise, after all Carla is actually the one who's more like him than she is. If it were Carla from the beginning.

She shivered. What a selfish thought she has.

"Well the other reason why I acted that way to you because you're actually quite a pain in the ass. What the heck, you were ruining my precious time with Piers, then almost ruin my other precious time. So much for trying to be the perfect, cute and caring little sissy"

Ada gave her a smile. Carla isn't as bad as she thought, sure this girl is still spoiled, ungrateful, and annoying being, but maybe things shouldn't be all hostile between them.

When was the last time she spent a quality time with her? It probably back then when they were just a baby.

She put her bow back to the case and went to collect the arrows.


It's a filler, I know. I'm so sorry for the time i took to update, I'm actually the kind that makes an outline before I write a story and I lost that outline so it took quite a while to rewrote the outline again and also the mid-term test that was taking it's toll on me. Enough with my reasons.

As usual I thank you guys that took your time to read and also those who keep on supporting me. Don't forget to votes or comment. Please

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