Chapter 9

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It was only a drizzle when he picked up Ada from her house, right now the rain is so heavy that they only could barely hear each other speaking. Sarcastically speaking this is really a great way to spend time with someone. But there's always a positive side of everything and in this case 'a drenched girl'. Again his imagination was blown into pieces when he realized that Ada's wearing a long trench coat, not that the red outerwear looks bad on her.

"Here we go, home sweet home" He announced as he stopped the car in front of the porch. "Well I can't park the car here so you go first, I'll be right there in a sec"

Ada gave him a quick smile and ran to the porch. There she waited patiently until he returned. Turns out he might not get to see her drenched but she do get to see him in that state. Ignoring her inspecting eyes he knocked on the door and shouted for Sherry. A blonde girl opens up the door a few seconds later.

"Hi, you must be Ada,I'm Sherry" Sherry gushed excitedly.

"Oh hi"

"Leon couldn't stop talking about you, he said 'do you know that Carla has a twin sister?' 'An identical twin' 'that's pretty cool, huh' 'I wonder what does it feel like to have a twin' 'did I mention that she's actually pretty cute' 'Oh God I really want to take dozens of picture of –"

"I didn't say that, stop making things up." Leon came and interrupted the other blonde before she could get any further. "Don't believe her, let's go upstairs I want to show you something."

"Before that, you two better take off your muddy shoes" She said that with an ordering tone instead of request.

They both do as she said. Then he technically dragged Ada to the upper level just so he could quickly avoided whatever it is that Sherry going to say next. He doesn't even have to look at Ada face to tell that she's definitely amused and so does Sherry.

"GRAMMY SAID DON'T CLOSE THE DOOR IF ADA IS IN YOUR ROOM" Sherry shouted from downstairs. He doesn't bother to reply. They doesn't even have to remind him, he remember the rules. Keep warning him about it seems like they're trying to embarrass him.

He opened the door to his room and curiously watches his friend's reaction. Just like what he expected Ada is surprised. Well not that kind of surprised that makes her gasp in disbelief in a very girly way, Ada isn't that kind of girl, but her eyes are widened and her mouth is slightly opened. That's enough for him.

"What do you think?" He asked, his hands on the hips. He observes her as she closely inspected his computers. Ada smiled, "I admit this is quite impressive."

Of course it is, besides the double bed and amazing view of Arkalay Mountain, there stood his camera and his soft box lighting kit facing the blue sofa bed, and also the long desk with iMac and another monitors for gaming purposes, not to mention the gaming consoles. This room probably one of the most multipurpose room she has ever seen.

"Told ya I'm pretty serious in video making business" He said as he slipped into his closet to change his clothes. He thought about having the closet door slightly open, but decided against it, he did tell her to make herself comfortable.

"So you have a sister" Ada said as he changed his soaked through shirt.

"Technically Sherry's my cousin, her dad's my uncle, her parents died when she were 8, so my father took her."

"I see," she possibly has the gloomy look by now, "so she lives with you, your mother, and your grammy."

He came out from the closet sporting a grey tee. "Not exactly, my mother died giving birth to me. So it's just the three of us"

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