Taking back the CDC

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Tobin : I'm tired .

mogi : cyclone can you carry him i'm too tired .

cyclone : here hop on up .

tobin : * snores *

-----------------------------------------------------------five days later ------------------

sabre : we're here .

sabre : the walkers are gone .

sabre : keep on your toes they could be hidden .


logan : okay we took out all of the walkers we could find . so we're going to be living in this half of the building and barricade the rest off .

tobin : * screams *

* gunshot *

sabre : who shot that walker ?!

dan : i did . you need to watch each other's backs if your going to survive . Dan tdm or Dan at your service . 

tobin : dan !

dan : oh. tobin you've grown so much since i left .

sabre : who are you to tobin .

dan : his big brother . didn't dad tell you about me ?

sabre : no he didn't .

dan : also is there a nathan in your group .

nathan : me .

dan : i found this in a room on the second floor its from someone name George .

Nathan : its moose's journel .

" Nathan if you ever find this . i'm sorry i didn't mention this sooner , but i'm slowly turning into a walker i have to get away from you , but can't leave your side . i will always love you even in death . tell Sabre that i'm sorry . tell everyone i'm sorry and Nathan i want to say i love you with all my heart . don't forget me when i'm gone . i'll always remember you even when i'm dead . i'll be watching over you . i'm going to miss you Nathan try not to miss me too much ."

~ George/ moose 

different from who we wereTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang