This old house

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God what is that sound . i just cleared out the walkers of this place . it better not be a crawler of I'm going to flip .hey boys , perimeter sweep . the noise is back .one at a time the guys jumped down from the bunkbeds and walked outside their heavy army boots thudding against the almost rotten floor .i turned around to leave the rolm when i caught a glimpse of myself in a borken mirror . i looked just like him .his same brown hair and green eyes .my mother told me he actually was gay but somehow managed to get drunk enough where they hooked up for a night that night led to me being born .my friend jack called me outside and when i stepped onto the porch i couldn't believe my eyes .guns out ! Everyone to your posts !

Jack : what is it ? What's going on.

Jordan:  it's the hoarde .


Mogi : calm down! We need to keep moving . no chance of stopping for anything we need to stay ahead of the hoarde .

Cyclone:  they're both gone . they were like family.

Dan : they were family.

Mogi:  how is everyone holding up . i looked back to see how everyone was doing when i saw several zombies trailing behind , then eight , then twelve , then eighteen .soon there were hundreds of zombies surrounding us all coming from seeming nowhere. Run !

Cyclone:  what are you doing jess !?

Jess : keep running I'll try to slow them down .

Mogi:  let's go move it or lose it ! jess stayed behind with wolf shooting at the zombies keeping them a safe distance from the rest of the group . we kept running until we found an enclosed area jumping over the fence and into the yard i could see a young teenager perched in a tree pointing a long bow at the zombies trying to get into the safe haven .is everyone okay head count .

Cyclone:  we lost jess and wolf .

Dan : i have to go back for her !

Mogi : Daniel get off the fence you can't leave right now or you'll be a snack for them . i know jess was your friend but we all have to let go sometimes .

Cyclone:  um , guys . is that .

Mogi : no .walking towards us was a teen who was almost identical to sabre .the only difference was the facial structure and eyes . two different colored eyes green and black .

Jordan:  you all must be lost . this is our place .

Mogi : we're sorry we just needed to get away from the hoarde.  We can leave when it does.  Guys stop staring at him he isn't sabre .

Jordan:  i don't think I heard you right did you just say sabre ?

Mogi : he was our old leader before he died .

Jordan:  he was my dad ..

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