do me a favor

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Jordan:  jack there's been something i need to talk to you about .

Jack:  i do to. I'm leaving the group.

Jordan:  why you've been with us since the beginning.

Jack:  i can't stand it anymore. I make friends,  they die , i fall for someone and they betray us , everyday i watch people walk through that gate and never come back .what's going to happen if it's you .

Jordan:  you aren't making sense .

Jack : if this all ends . come find me , you'll still be my friend .


Jordan:  everyone i have an announcement. Jack left the group and isn't coming back.

Cyclone : he's strong,  he'll be okay .

Mogi : he taught my group how to stand our ground if raiders attack us .

Slade : Jordan are you okay .

Jordan:  yeah , i just remembered the first night the walkers started showing up .i was brought back to the memory of jack teaching me how to shoot a bow .his black eyes and dyed purple hair was just the same.

Jack:  yeah you hold it just like that .

Jordan:  how do i stop my hands from shaking.

Jack:  just look at me and let go of the arrow.

Jordan:  do you like what you see . you keep staring at me.

Jack:  it's just I've never seen you look so badass before . you've always been this nerdy kid standing against the wall at the year seven dance . It's just your glasses make your face perfect .i mean not in a weird way.

Jordan:  are you saying I'm ,cute ?

Jack:  in a way.

Jordan : if you get bit by those things . i'll shoot you then myself ...

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