what secret!!??!

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I woke up early. I looked at my phone,it was 8:24 AM. I got up and looked out of the bus. It was really cold and snow outside. I guess we have arrived to scranton. I looked in the mirror and i couldn't help to bother my snakebite scars. I runned my fingers through my black short hair with red strikes in it. I put an oversized black sweater on and my black skinny ripped jeans. 

- Hey dude,did i hear from the back of the bus,it was Jinxx. I looked up at him and said,

-hey,he walked to the sofa and sat down. I walked up to him and sat beside him. 

- what's up? did he say in his morning voice. I looked down and said,

- nothing,really,he nodded but continued to look at me. He knew i hid something. I slided my finger through my hair. Jinxx long black hair looked like a disaster. The rest of the guys were awake but still in thier bunks. Jinxx then said;

- come on,what is it?

-nothing,just nothing,I started to tear up but blinked the tears away. Jinxx nodded and the rest of the guys came up.

                                                   *4HOURS LATER*

CC came up to me and said;

- seriously man,what's up? You've hardly spoken today,he was right I hadn't talked almost at all today and I'm a very talkative person so i made it noticeable that something wasn't right.

- I guess I'm just a bit stressed out at the moment

- huh,CC kept looking at me and he knew that i didn't tell the truth. I went outside to take a cigarette and Ash came out after me.

- Andy what's wrong? we've been trying to make you tell us what's wrong but you have just been saying that you're fine when you're clearly not

- its noth-

-just stop right there,you're doing it again,i started to tear up again and i falled a few tears. Ashley took me into a big hug,but i just couldn't tell him my secret.

- hey,what is it, Ashley looked at me with his dark brown eyes. I looked at him with misery in mine.

- its nothing...,i replied. I wiped my tears away with my sweater. I went into the bus again and threw myself into my bunk. I sighed and thought for myself that I can't keep this secret forever,but they'll hate me after i tell them. I screamed into my pillow. Everything is just so much now...I mean everything between me and Ashley, THIS??!! ugh.....can't I just clear my head from thoughts? They're killing me. I decided to go to bed early since we had our day off today. I kept waking up after sleeping like 40 minutes. After waking up the fourth time i went out and took a smoke. It was really cold outside but i still just went out in my sweatshirt that i falled asleep in. I lighted the cigarett and blew out the smoke. It was really dark outside and i could see the stars. I never see the stars in hollywood because of the streetlights. I drowned in the stars for while. I threw the cigarett on the ground and stepped on it. The clock was now 4:26 A.M. I went inside and fell back to sleep in the cold tour bus.


Hey guys!! sorry for not posting or updating in a while but I am now working on part 3 of Andley fever! I hope you guys will enjoy it!! XOXO

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