The secret.

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Listen tobtye song above for best experience :3


I walked out and took a smoke. It was in the middle of the night so it was pitch black. Scranton was covered in a thick layer of snow. We were stuck here for another day just because of the snow. I silently walked in to the bus and then in the bathroom. I lifted my shirt to see my ribs clearly showing. I could barley fit in any of my clothes because I was too skinny. Gosh,why Andy,why?! I splashed my face with water only to look up and see Ashley standing there in his underwear. He looked at me with worry in his eyes. I only glanced at him,ashamed. Ashamed not telling him. He didn't know I would make myself puke and not eat. Nobody did. 

- so this was your secret? said Ashley almost whispering since the other guys were asleep.

- an eating-disorder? Really Andy? And you felt like you couldn't tell us?

- its not like that I- ugh...why do you even care?

- because I love you Andy. You know I do. 

Ashley hugged me and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

- try to get some sleep huh? You've bearly been sleeping,I smiled as Ashley followed me to my bunk and laid beside me until both of us falled asleep. I love him,I know I do. I just don't wanna admit it. I hope he dosen't feel like i don't love him atleast. 


I'm sorry for not posting last weekend but I was in germany meeting my best friend for the first time!  It was awesome! Anyways I hope you guys like this chapter,it was more of a filler but I'll try and post as often as I can.

luv u guys xoxo

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