What if?

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I woke up,it was in the middle of the night. I carefully walked downstairs,to see Ashley with Lunas head rested on his lap. They slept on the couch so before I left I kissed Ashley's cheek and Luna's head. I went out,into the cold dark night. I couldn't stay there,I knew Ashley must focus on Luna now. I'm an adult I don't need somebody else to take care of me. 

I stopped and took a cigarette, I looked at the packaging. 'Smoking kills' I chuckeld at the thought. I've been smoking since I was 13,sometimes it feels like its a myth. But we'll just have to wait until that day. Wait and see. I walked up on a mountain. I looked up at the stars. My blck hoodie melted in with the forest that was behind me but my pale skin could still be seen. I sat down. I thought for myself 'what if I just jumped down,would people miss me? Probably not. Anyways that day is not to day' 


I looked up at the ceiling with tired eyes. Luna was fast asleep and I really didn't want to wake her up. But I had to see if Andy was still here. I carefully lifted Luna's head off my lap and onto a pillow instead. I walked upstairs to see an empty bed. I sighed, I knew he wasn't going to stay. But maybe he needs time alone? Maybe I shouldn't try to help him. Maybe he's better on his own. No,no he's not. The things he siad,scratching his wrists, not eating no, no he's not better on his own. I tried to call him but he didn't pick up. 'Fuck' I whispered for myself. I went downstairs to Luna again after calming myself. I noticed that she was saying 'stop! That hurts!' in her sleep and also flinching. 

- hey,I shook her awake and she started to sob. I brung her into my arms and she soaked my shirt.

- shh shh,its ok,it was just a bad dream,she started to calm and I looked deeply into her eyes that prickeld with fear. 

- what was the dream about? I asked softly. 

- Jack used me,in a bad way. I pulled her into my arms again and fell few tears. 

- I'm so sorry baby,I should've been there since the day you were born,I cried. 

We calmed ourselves and then sat and watched sponge bob together. She smiled and laughed which caused me to do the same. She's just a blessing,but I can't imagine what she's been through. 


this was more of a filler,the chapters have been really short i know. But I have just done so much stuff lately. anyways 


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