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Listen to the song above for best experience ♡


Tour was cancelled. We couldn't get anywhere because of the snow, so we had to go back to our homes. Great. I had mo idea how Juliet was gonna react,I don't think she want's me anymore to be honest. But I can't blame her. I would be broken yes, but I just want the best for her. If she's not doing it,I am. I know she's unhappy,she just hates seeing me hurt. 

We were waiting on the plane to arrive. Anxiety really had gotten to me lately. Why couldn't I just stay true to myself? Why? I started to scratch my wrist until CC grabbed my arm.

- Andy,stop it,he said looking me in the eye.

- I- I'm sorry, I said tears filling my eyes.

- Hey, we all know you don't feel good,we know about your eating-disorder. But you can live a happy life with that too,you just have to cope with it. Like I did. 

- I know....I said looking down on my feet as a tear slipped down my cheek and onto my black dr martens. CC put his arm around me and slightly hugged me. It made me feel warm, CC was like the care bear of the band. Always nice and caring.


This was just a filler chapter be it I'm trying to upload as much as possible.

Luv u guys xoxo

Andley fever part 3Where stories live. Discover now