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Chapter 11:

Chloe's POV

We arrived in Florida the next day. It was beautiful outside, and out hotel walked right out to the beach. We all shared a huge hotel room. There were four rooms, so we all split into groups of two. Niall and I together, of course.

"LET'S GO TO BEACH-ECH LET'S GO GET AWAY!" Louis and Bree sang, very horribly, while jumping on the couches. "LIAM! CAN. WE. GO. TO. DA. BEACH?!?" Louis screamed. Liam rolled his eyes and nodded. We all cheered and ran to our rooms to change. I put on my purple sparkly bikini and threw on my floral romper and my gladiator sandals and headed back to the living room. I was the first one done changing do I decided to explore our room.

The kitchen was huge, it had granite counters wood flooring and a table for ten. The room next to it was a game room. It had a TV, wii, PlayStation, and a Foosball table. I went back to the living room, which had red carpets and white walls with a big window over looking the beach.

By the time I was done looking around, everyone but Bree, Leslie, Liam, and Zayn were there.

"What takes them so long?" Louis said, in an annoyed voice. We laughed as soon as the others walked in.

"What's so funny?" Liam asked, scrunching with eyebrows together.

"Nothing! Let's go to the beaccccchhhh!" Harry yelled running out the door. Louis ran after him and we all followed.

"Hey girls! Us boys are going to grab food! We'll meet you down the-" Liam was interrupted by a screaming Niall.


"Yes Niall, food. So we'll meet you down there?" Liam finished.

"Ya hurry back though!" Bree said waving to the boys who walked in the other direction.

When us girls got to the beach, we set up our blanket, towels, iPod deck, and started putting sunscreen on each other. I did Leslie, and Leslie did Bree. When Leslie was finished with Bree, Bree came to put sunscreen on me. I turned so my back to her so she could do the parts I couldn't reach.

"It's not coming out!" She screamed and banged the bottom of the bottle. All the sunscreen poured onto my back. I screeched as the sunscreen ran down my back to my legs. The other two just sat there giggling, I turned my head over my shoulder, not moving my legs or position, and glared at them.

"GET THIS CRAP OFF OF ME!" That made them laugh Even harder. I was still faced them, and they stopped laughing and their eyes went wide at something in front of me. I turned to see Niall charging towards me for a hug.

"NIALL NO-" I was cut off went he picked me up and swung me in circles. He stopped and stepped back. His arms were covered in sunscreen.

"What the heck?" He looked back up at me and my cheeks flushed red. I have never been so embarrassed. The boys walking up, when they saw the sight they were laughing so hard they were crying. Niall looked at me me and I knew exactly what he was thinking. We walked over to the beach bags and pulled out two big bottles of sunscreen.

"1...2...3!!!" He screamed. We started spraying everyone with the sunscreen. I'm glad we were the only ones on the beach. We would have been kicked out.

After the fight was over, we all played in water and headed back to the hotel when it started getting dark. We weren't aloud to leave the hotel until tomorrow night unless it was to the hotel's private beach. Stupid management.

Right now we were all sat on the couches just talking. It was rather boring.

"Who wants to play a game?" I asked, cutting off every ones conversations. Louis raised his hand, and everyone else followed his motions.

"What would you like to play?" Niall asked, loud enough so everyone could hear it. I gave everyone an evil glare.

"Hide and Seek." Everyone sighed. "Oh but I wasn't finished." That brought every ones attention back to me.

"What do you mean?" Zayn asked.

"Hide and Seek... In the dark." After I said that every ones faces lit up.

"Sounds fun! I WANNA BE IT!" Louis cheered. No one was going to fight against him. We turned off all the lights. Louis got a flash light so it would be a little easier.

"I'll count to sixty! GO!" We all went in our separate directions. I wish I had stayed with Niall. Oh, well.

If you didn't know this, I'm tiny. Skinny AND short. I went into Zayn and Harry's room and slid under the bed. I was just the right size. I laid there for a while when I heard someone come into the room. It's only been twenty seconds do it couldn't be Louis yet. The person walked over and also slid under the bed.

"Who's there?" I whispered. Before I could get an answer, the mystery person crashed his lips into mine. But it didn't feel like Niall's. I pulled away, came from under the bed and ran out of the room. I walked into the bathroom and hid in the cabinet under the sinks.

'Who would kiss me besides Niall?' I thought to myself. I was going to stay in this cabinet as long as possible. I didn't want to know who it was. Especially if it wasn't Niall. I was on the verge of tears when I heard Louis scream.

"READY OR NOT! HERE I COME KIDDIES!" I got the towels from behind me and put them infront so if he does open the cabinet he won't find me. I felt tears spilling out of my eyes. I let hem fall because there was no one here to see them. I leaned my head against the towels, realizing how hot it was in here. I felt myself sweat and become short of breath. Before I knew it everything went black.

Louis' POV

"READY OR NOT! HERE I COME KIDDIES!" I screamed once I counted to sixty. I started in the kitchen. I heard chomping coming from the pantry, and being the genius I am, Niall was in there eating Oreos. I smiled the dork an told him to help me find the rest. I decided to try looking through the bedrooms. I went to Niall and Chloe's first. I looked under the bed- no one. I looked under the covers- no one. Then I heard thumping and shushing coming from the closet. I tip toes my way over around opened the door.

"BOO!" I screamed, leaving Bree and Leslie screaming in terror. I laughed and headed to Zayn and Harry's room. On my first try, I found Zayn under the bed.

"Good place mate!" I said giving him a hand.

After I found Liam and Harry, Chloe was the only one left. She was really good at this game. Everyone split up to find her. About ten minuted later we were all in the living room panicking cause we couldn't find her. We decided to end the game and turn on all the lights and started calling for her to come out. She still hadn't shown. Niall was panicking, and Zayn had a guilty look on his face. Whatever, I'll deal with him later.

"Everyone split up, turn on all the lights and look everywhere again! She might not of heard us." We followed Daddy Direction's orders and split up. Then I realized we hadn't looked in any bathrooms.

"Niall! Check the kitchen bathroom!" He nodded and headed towards the kitchen. I ran to the back bathroom. I swung the door open, looked behind the shower curtain and in the tub. Nothing. I went and pulled open the cabinets, throw the towels out. And there was Chloe, passed out under the sink. I got her out and ran towards the living room and set her on the couch. She was red and blazing hot. Everyone came back in with ice packs. Her cheeks were stained with tears.

What happened?

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