A big mistake

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Chapter 16:

Niall's POV

"Hey look there's their plane!" Liam said pointing towards the airport window. He's been bouncy all day ever since Chloe and Bree got accepted to London University. "What are you going to do when Chloe see's you with her? No offense Rebbecca!" He asked not moving his eyes from the window.

"None taken, and Niall I'm sorry I had to come" Rebbecca looked at me with her green eyes and a worried expression.

"I don't know. I just hope she'll understand."

"You should have told her sooner Ni- PEOPLE ARE GETTING OFF!" Liam shouted cutting off himself.

"Liam calm down!" Rebbecca giggled. We have been 'dating' for at least a week and management said she needed to go everywhere with us. They said she was perfect for my image. I protested about a hundred times. Why not Chloe? She's just as good, better even. Rebbecca didn't like what I had to go through but supported me anyways.

"I'm just so excited! Niall paps are coming lock hands!" Liam said looking right passed me to the flashing cameras.

"No! His girlfriend is getting off the plane Liam!" Rebbecca shouted. She also had a boyfriend but he understood when she first got into this.

"Ya Liam! That'll just tick her off even more!" He gave us both the death glare and Rebbecca turned to me mouthing 'sorry' then tangled her fingers with mine. I sighed and and Liam started bouncing again. We hadn't even noticed people were exiting the plane until we saw Bree yell at someone then come running over to us. Now Liam was curious at what she was doing, and he wasn't bouncing anymore.

"Where's Chloe? Who were you yelling at?" Liam questioned as soon as she came over. She just stood there looking at me and Rebbecca's hands and lifted her eyes to mine with a confused and angry look. She answered him by pointing to our hands. Liam ran a hand through his hair letting out a deep breath where Rebbecca looked like she was about to cry. I stood their in shook.

"We got off the plane and she saw you guys and she said she was leaving. Niall, what is um that?!" It sounded like she was at a loss of words.

"Um, management made us do this." I whispered not looking into her eyes. I heard a sob but it wasn't Bree. It was Rebbecca. "Rebbecca what's wrong?" I asked as tears streamed down her face.

"I just ruined a relationship because of my job." She cried. Ruined? Did this really ruin our relationship? My worried actions took place when I ran my hand through my tangled blonde hair letting out a groan.

"Let's go back to our flats and try calling her." Liam said, taking Bree's hand. I wish I could hold Chloe's hand right now.

A/N I know super short but just wanted that to get through! I'll try to do some tomorrow!

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