Paint Balling

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Chapter 20:

Niall's POV

I am so thankful Chloe gave me another chance. Being without her has been killing me. And now I have that back.

"Niall is a fat cow!" Louis screamed walking into my room.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Nothing I was bored." He shrugged plopping down next to me on my bed.

"What do you want?" I asked considering it was six in the morning.

"Waking you up! All of us are going to celebrate the last night of Chloe's and Bree's freedom!" He fake sobbed placing his hand over his heart. I shoved my head into my pillow remembering they had school tomorrow.

"Nooooooo" I whined. Louis got up and slapped my bum.

"Get up! Remember it's a surprise!" He said walking out. I groaned getting up and getting dressed. I walked out to see everyone awake and dressed, even Zayn.

"Zayn it's six in the morning, how are you even up?!" I asked surprised.

"We're going paint balling!" He cheered. Zayn and Harry loved paint balling.. They'd never skip out on that. I nodded and plopped down on the couch.

"When are we getting the girls?" Louis asked.

"Right now. They don't know we're coming and their probably still sleeping so you guys need to be quiet!" Liam said walking towards the door. We all followed him to the elevator and into their flat. Louis came with me to get Chloe while the others went to get Bree. I opened her door quietly to see her sprawled across her bed in a tank top and jeans.

"Why does she sleep in her clothes?!" Louis whisper yelled. I shrugged and went to sit by her. I shook her shoulder a bit and she rolled over so her back was facing us.

"Bree, leave me alone!" She mumbled. I crawled to the other side of her bed and layed beside her. I stared at her face, her eyes still closed. Louis was sitting at the end of her bed tickling her feet. Her foot twitched and then kicked Louis in his ribs.

"CHLOE THAT HURT!" He yelled grabbing his side and collapsing to the floor. Her eye brows furrowed with confusion and she finally opened her eyes.

"Niall?" She asked. I smiled and nodded. "Why are you here and who did I kick?" She asked.

"We are taking you girls somewhere and you kicked Louis' side." I laughed. She sat up to see Louis on the floor.

"Hey Chloe" He waved.

"Sorry Lou" She laughed.

"Last time I tickle you!" He said standing up. "Why do you sleep in clothes?" He asked.

"Oh I didn't really, I was hungry last night, or this morning, it was around four, so I went to get food." She blushed.

"Whoa Niall she was made for you!" Louis chuckled. I smiled and kissed her cheek.

"Get up, get dressed, and pack a bag with a heavy sweater, we are taking you somewhere!" I said standing up and jumping on her bed.

"But it's only six thirty!" She whined.

"Just get up lazy!" Louis said shaking her. She groaned and got up.

"Get out so I can change!" She yelled pointing towards the door. Louis ran out but I just plopped onto her bed. "Go!" She said gesturing towards the door.

"Why can't I stay?" I whined.

"Because I have to change my... my underwear now get OUT!" She stuttered. I smiled and got up off her bed. I hugged her and kissed her before walking out. I passed by Bree's room to see all the boys jumping on her bed.

"Niall! Help me!" Bree whined from under everyone. I laughed and waved continuing to walk into the living room. "I HATE YOU HORAN!" She yelled. I laughed and plopped down on the couch. Eventually all the boys were out of Bree's room and waiting for them to come out. Chloe lazily walked out wearing a green shirt that said 'I love Horan' with white skinny jeans. Her hair was stacked up on top of her head in a messy bun.

"I like your shirt." I said as she sat down by me.

"Bree bought me it before I met you" She blushed looking down at it. I smiled and kissed her forehead. Bree came out seconds later wearing blue skinny jeans and a red t-shirt.

"Let's go!" Louis said already running out of the door. He's always the first one out.

We drove there in silence because of how tired everyone was. At one point Chloe fell asleep on my shoulder but woke up when Louis started screaming the lyrics to 'Scream' by Usher. When we arrived, we all got out and got our bags and made our way inside.

"We're paint balling?!" Bree asked excitedly. Liam nodded and slung his arm over his shoulder. We all slid on our sweaters and goggles as the man handed us each a gun.

"Alright it's an odd number so one team will have one less player." He said. We picked our teams, me being on the red team with Chloe, Liam and Bree. Louis, Harry, and Zayn were the blue team.

"You guys are going down." Louis said walking into the blue team room.

"We'll see about that." Chloe said before walking into out room. The TV above us showed us safety precautions and blah blah blah. The timer finally went off and we were out in a big arena with dirt and inflatable obejects to hide behind.

"Let's split up." Liam suggested. We all nodded and I kissed Chloe's cheek before running off.

It was like a maze in here. I heard a scream that sounded like Chloe's. I ran in the direction of the noise then heard her yell "I GOT YOU TOMLINSON!" Before running off and accidently crashing into me.

"Are you ok?" I laughed. She smiled and laughed before kissing me and running in the oppisite direction. I turned the corner to see Louis covered in paint.

"You're girlfriend is good" He said. I smiled and continued walking. Bree started running towards me.

"Zayn's chasing me Niall help!" She breathed. I told her to hide behind something until he saw her. Zayn ran out and spotted Bree. But before he could get her I got him.

"Horan! I almost had her!" He yelled. I shrugged and went to find Harry.

I walked down a long path and heard someone behind me. I pointed my gun behind me but it was only Liam.

"Find Harold yet?" He asked. I shoke my head and motioned for him to follow me. We walked around for a few mintues but couldn't find him. As we walked Chloe turned the corner facing our direction.

"NIALL! LIAM!" She screamed pointing to behind us. Harry stood there with his gun pointing towards us. He had shot Liam's back before he could even turn. I was too slow and also got shot. But before he could shoot Chloe, Bree came from behind him and shot his back.

"VICTORY!" She screamed throwing her fist into the air.

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