Starting Over.

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Chapter 15:

I stared at them for what seemed like forever.

Why would Niall do this to me?

"Bree, I'm just, going to, call a cab." I sobbed, tears threatening to fall as I walked away. I heard Bree shout my name but I didn't turn around. I just kept walking.

I grabbed my bags and made my way to the cab pick-ups. I decided to stay at a hotel that was across the street from my University until I got things figured out. I paid the driver and went to reserve a room. It wasn't too big. Big enough for just me.

When I got in, I threw my bags aside and ran to the bed. Digging my head into the pillow while I let the tears fall. I heard my phone vibrate, but I didn't feel like talking to anyone. I just laid there and cried, until I fell asleep.

I opened my eyes and realised I was at home. Was that a dream? I stood up and walked to the door when I heard shouting.

"Niall you have to leave her! She's weighing out band down!" I heard a voice, I think Liam's.

"I know Liam that's why I'm here!" Niall's accent rang through my ears.

"Good now hurry up!" I heard foot steps fading away when my door swung open.

"Niall what's going on?" I asked, still confused I wasn't in London.

"Chloe I'm breaking up with you. It isn't working out and yo know it." He spat at me, stomping away. I felt the tears prick in my eyes.

"Niall we can work this out!" I yelled following him outside where the rest of the boys, and Bree, were talking. They stopped when they saw me. "Niall please!" I sobbed grabbing his wrist.

"No Chloe! Just leave me alone!" He yelled, yanking his hand away from me. Then the girl he was holding hands with in London came out from a black van, parked in front of my house.

"Niall, babe, is everything ok?" She said, looking at Niall with a worried expression on her face.

"It's fine love we were just leaving. Bye Chloe" Niall said one last time before throwing his arm over the blonde's shoulder and walking away. The boys and Bree following them.

"Bree, Niall, boys don't leave me!" I cried as they walked into the van and sped away. "Don't leave me!"

I twitched and sat up in my bed. It was just a dream. I'm still in London. In a hotel.

Because of Niall.

I looked at the clock. 3:30 p.m.

I got up and grabbed my phone.

53 missed calls

123 new text messages.

I skimmed through the calls. Mostly Bree, the boys, and my mom. I called my mom back, not telling her I was at a hotel or that Niall was with someone else. I decided to call Bree and fill her in.

"Chloe?! Where are you! I'm worried sick!" Well hello to you too!

"I'm at a hotel close to University. I'm fine don't worry about me." I whispered with no expression in my voice.

"I'm coming over where are you?" She asked, I heard muffles in the background.

"Take me off speaker." I demanded. I didn't want the boys to know where I was staying. Let alone see them.

"Fine." I heard a click and some 'aw's' in the background. "Now where are you little duckling?"

"I'm at the little hotel across the street from the University. On the second floor. Room nine. Please come alone. I don't want to see them." I whispered the last part, not really wanting her to hear it. She sighed.

"Ok, I'll be there in a few." Click. I sighed and sat up walking to the bathroom to take all the faded makeup off and reapply.

About ten minutes later there was a knock on my door. I walked sluggishly to it yanking it open to see Bree. An Louis. I quickly slammed the door, putting my back on it.

"Go away!" I screamed. Didn't I tell her not to bring anyone?

"Aw come on Bree! It's just Louis! He has a story to tell!" Bree whined.

"Ya come on love! I'm not that bad! And we brought ice cream!" I groaned, opening the door again.

"Come in!" I said, gesturing with my hands for them to come. They skipped in happily with a huge tub of cookie dough ice cream and three spoons. "Now didn't I say I didn't want to see them? No offense Louis!" I yelled at Bree.

"Louis begged to come and he knows why your upset." She protested. I grabbed te ice cream and threw myself on the couch.

"Well begin!" I ordered Louis while putting a hge scoop of ice cream in my mouth.

"Well, first off, thanks for sharing!" Louis said, pointing to the ice cream. I nodded with a huge smile on my face. "Second, the blonde is fake." I raised my eyebrows, waiting for him to continue. Bree sat on the bed and watched our conversation. "She's for the public. Their not really dating. Management said it was time for Niall to be public with a girl. He argued with them for the longest time about just being with you. They said he needed to be with her at all times. Unlike you who lives in the states. But now your here. This could all change." I was still staring at Louis. I was wondering why Niall didn't just tell me. I opened my mouth to speak but Louis cut me off. "And third, Niall loves you. He would never cheat on you love." A smile tugged at the sides of his mouth. I still had on a straight face. "I thought he told you this?" My face went from straight to shocked.

"Louis, he hasn't told me anything about this!" His face went serious. Strange for Louis.

"Well I can't explain that." He admitted. Now I was angry.

"What else do you think he's hiding from me?! huh?! What if he has feelings for her!" The tears started spilling from my eyes.

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