Chapter 13

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"Bye, Perc," I say, walking out the door with Axel.
As we walk, I hear people gasping. I blush, when Axel gently takes my hand. Gods, I hate blushing.
"How are you, little killer?" He asks
I laugh, knowing the little is for my height, he is easily 5 inches taller than me. The killer part is funny to me, because I did hold a sword up to his throat, but I would've never killed him. I kill straw dummies, and monsters.
"Good," I say, failing to mention my dream.
"How are you, red headed war face?" I say, pointing out his strawberry red hair.
"Amazing, now."
I look down, blushing again.
"Gods, I like it when you blush," he says.
Which makes me blush more. Great.
We walk to the dock, which is really amazing, because water is my element, not one of Ares.
"What would happen if I pushed you in" I say.
"I'd  pull you in too." I laugh, as I jump in, pulling him in.
I make sure he won't drown, putting an air bubble around us. He looks around in amazement.
"Yea," I say.
That's when the courage from the capture the flag game comes back.
I lean in, and kiss him.

Hiya! The date will be continued in the next chapter, just wanted to leave you guys with a cliffhanger!

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