Chapter Seventeen

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Axels POV (yes,)
Penelope and Rose take the lead. My face is still burning, from when Rose caught me kissing Nelli. Penny looks back, and I see the piercing sea green eyes.
"You okay?"she asks, with Penelope, you know she is always genuinely interested.
"Yea, just.. thinkn," I say, my voice drifting off when Penelope looks at me with concern riddled in her eyes.
Rose flips her head back,
"You making goo-goo eyes at my friend?" She says, obliviously still peeved at the fact I kissed Penelope.
"Nope!" I say, looking down at my feet.
"Axel, pull out your sword,"
"THATS WHAT SHE SAID!!" Penelope yells, she's been trying to make a joke like that forever, and Rose glares at her for interrupting.
"Sorry," Nelli's voice is small.
"As I was saying! Axel get your sword ready, this place feels creepy," Rose says, rolling her eyes.
"Rose, can you lead?" Penelope asks.
"Yea," she says, picking up the pace.
Nelli pulls out Hurricane, and uncaps it, putting the cap in the pocket of the backpack she stole from Lotus Casino.
With the hand that isn't wielding a sword, she takes my hand, and my cheek go red again. She kisses my cheek.
"Thanks for getting me out of the trance," she says, squeezing my hand for reassurance.
"It's no problem," I say, making sure she knows that I mean it.
When Rose is far ahead, Nelli yells, "Race Ya!"
"You are so on!" I yell, as she takes the lead.
We make it to Rose at the same time though, so we call it a tie and move on.
"Let's set up camp," Rose says, motioning to the ground.
"No, let's keep moving," Penelope says, "I sense a water source a little farther up," she adds.
Penelope's POV
Rose nods, and Axel smiles, to signify that I can take the lead. We walk for what seems like an hour, before running into a Gorgon.
"Run!" I yell to Axel and Rose, they are still pretty far back, and I can take this over glorified snake alone.
"Was or your little friend that killed my sister?" Her voice sound slither-y, and I take out Hurricane.
"Axel isn't my little friend, he is an amazing person, and he is great with a sword," I yell, hoping Rose doesn't hear me.
"Well, let's hope you are good too!" She sneers.
Before I can uncap Hurricane, she lungs at me, stabbing me in the stomach with its claws .
"Penelope!!" I hear Axel yell.
I uncap Hurricane, and stay the gorgon in the back, making it transform into dust.
When the Gordon isn't there to old me up, I fall to the ground.
Before I black out, I here Axel and rose yelling,
"No, Penelope!"

Life as a Demi GodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora