Chapter 21

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(They ARe on the island, and penny's pov)

I've found out, being blessed by Aphrodite, isn't the most terrible thing in the world. Except for the clothes she picks, I prefer my worn Camp Half Blood shirt, to any new shirt.
Today, the lady has picked a muted red shirt, with white jeans.
"Gods of Olympus," I mutter, trying to change my clothes; I only like baggy jeans.
My hair falls gracefully around my shoulders, before I tie it up in a bun.
"Let's prepare camp to leave," Rose says in her usual bored tone.
I am still shaky walking, but I can't deal with the embarrassment of being carried by Axel, so I fashion a cane from a stick. I hobble around, until I trip, and I can nearly hear Aphrodite gasping.
"You okay?" Axel says, helping me up.
"Uh, yea, I am going to sit in the water, be right back," I mumble.
Ever since I was injured, Axel acts like I am made of glass.
I sit in the water, and talk to a fish.
"Your legs are weird!" The fish says, before I command it to leave.
"Let's go!" Ross yells, and apparently Aphrodite heard that, and I was magically in my favorite outfit: my camp half blood shirt, and leggings.
I step out of the water, to see our little campsite all packed up, ready to go.
"Axel, carry her," Rose says, seeing how my walking, even with the stick, is slow and loud.
"Okay," He says, picking me up like I weigh nothing.
"Hmph," I say, my arms crossed at my chest, I don't like being taken care of.
He giggles, as he walks, his usual silent tread, so unfair. Rose take up the rear, making sure we don't die.
"Hey, it's just a pro caution," Axel whispers in my ear, obviously understanding why I'm peeved.
"I am fine!" I say, pointing to the wound on my stomach, and lifting my shirt a little so the pink flesh is seen.
Axel's fave goes beet red, and I roll my eyes.
"Wait!" Rose yells.
"What?" Axel says, dropping me as he grabs his sword.
I bang my head on the ground, and curse to Hera.
"Careful!" Rose says.
"Look," Rose adds, pointing over to Mrs. O'Leary.
"Penelope!" Percy yells, hopping off the hellhound.
"Percy!" I say, with a little less enthusiasm.
I stand up, trying to show my wound, but Percy has twin knowledge, and says,
"Let me see the wound," with a tired, bored tone.
I again lift my shirt a little, and Axel again turns into a tomato.
Percy notices this, and glares at Axel.
"I gonna talk to this blood boy," he says.

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