❤When he's sick❤

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You never thought it would happen, but oh, were you wrong. Anti could, in fact, get sick. And when he did...oh boy. He was the whiniest person you'd EVER met. There was a perk to it, though. If Anti whined long enough....his voice would go out. Ah...peace and quiet....And, also giving him medicine, of course.


Schneep would CONSTANTLY tell you how "he's fine" and "He can handle himself" when he was sick. He'd try going to work still, but you'd stop him every single time. Man, was he a tough one to work with, but you managed and helped him out, anyway.

Jackieboy man:

This man would always gripe about how he needs to save people...and you ALWAYS remind him that even heroes need a break sometimes, especially when they're sick. You'd just pat his head and give him some nice, home-made soup.


Chase....he's a cuddler when he's sick. You always tell him no, because you don't want to get sick. Buuut.....you give in eventually. After his daily medicine you get right into bed and snuggle him, despite your better judgement.


Robbie can't get sick anymore, thankfully. Considering he's a zombie and all.


Not much is different when Jameson is sick. I mean, he can't even speak anyway. You two just cope through it and you give him the medicine and time he needs to rest and pretty soon, he's back to his old self!


Marvin literally wants to do NOTHING all day when he's sick. He'll often refuse any medicine you want to give him, so you have to persuade him to take it with kisses.


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