Chapter 2

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"Ah! Kookie thank you so much, thank you too yoongi"
Jin said as he looked at the lifeless creature in our trunk

"I'll go get namjoon-ah, unless you can carry it in by yourselves, I can get to work in the garage, packaging it's blood"

Our dorms are in the mountains where lots of wildlife lives and no roads. Just dirt paths. We have a joint, other vampires from around the world come to us because we sell packaged blood. On occasion, human blood. But that usually leaves us with a long time of covering tracks.

"I can carry it hyung"

I picked up the doe, not that heavy since it was smaller from loss of blood
In the meantime Jin went to get ready and yoongi went inside

I carried it through the door of the garage. If anyone that didn't know what we did was to help others of our kind, they would take one look inside the garage and scream.

I set the doe on a metal rod table that shortened at the end into a purifier and into a glass jug with a spout.

"Beautiful job, beau-ti-ful job"
Jin game back with a mask, gloves and an apron on

"Care to watch?" 

After Jin was officially covered in blood looking like someone straight out of a horror movie, we got 3 pints of blood, that would make about $3,000.

LOML🖤: ugh kook-ah, I miss you already... please come back?

That sounded off

I felt a growing pain in my stomach and a tightness in my pants


AN: Tease

update: i'm reading these a year in advance and i want to cry

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