Chapter 9

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Things were going silent

I saw jungkook go pale and started to say incoherent words

Why was I shaking

My body hurts so bad

Maybe if I just, rest I'll feel better

Yeah... rest....

"Welcome back Y/N!"

I shoot up from my position hands clutching my chest and a wet rag falling off my face

As soon as I started getting my breath back it was knocked out again by a warm body against mine, I started to cry


I instantly knew who it was

"Jungkook.... I hate you so much"

I manage to choke out that much, still catching my breath

Tears were making my shoulder wet as my weak body held his

"I hate you so m-much"
I just cried into him as he did the same while someone rubbed circles on my back, I'll ask later

I know it's not his fault but I'm going to use the attention as much as I can, not that he dosent give me any, it's just that he didn't a lot since he was always gone

I give way and lift up his face

For once he looks actually tired,

His eyes were no longer red and he looks like he hasn't seen daylight in a century

Did I do this?

He just sniffled as he looked down from me
cutely making me chuckle at his flushed face

His hair was all messy and his clothes were all wrinkled making me wonder what he did since I was out

"Don't cry lunatic... you look ugly when you cry"

I laughed and wiped his tears which only made him cry more, but with a smile

His arms twisted around my waist and he brought his head to my chest taking in my scent

"I'm never leaving you"

God what did I do to deserve him...

He pulled me tighter than we were making it hard to breathe again, but it's fine, he needs this...

"Ah jungkook-ah dont do that!"

Jungkook instantly pulled away, his hands still gently in my waist

I let out a breath

"I just keep messing up.."
His hands left my body and onto his face breathing deeply

Just then another hand showed up and with that hand was a red haired boy with one of the softest smiles I've ever seen

"Hi! I'm Jung Hoseok, you may know me as the one who was talking to you while you were out?"

I grab his hand at the sudden memory

"Yes! What was that?"

He puts up his pointer finger and a small smile showing his dimples, then turns around and grabs a stool to sit on

"I-I'll be right back"

I turned and faced jungkook who was hanging his head low, I tried to reach his hand but Hoseok stopped me

I gave him a confused look and the door to the room clicked as it closed

"It's best if you don't, he needs his denial time, it's just how it works for him"

I gave him another questioned look

"And how long have you known jungkook, if I'm able to ask.."

He perked up

"Actually glad you asked! I think I've known jungkook-ah, ah maybe about 67 years..? Not sure, you kind of loose track once you hit double digit numbers..."
He said talking with his hands and his leges slowly moved to be crossed

Which only made me think more about my situation

I'm surrounded by vampires.

"Your probably confused, and in a daze right Y/N?"

I nodded, still catching my breath.

"Well take a load off sis, it's going to be a while... First, let's talk about jungkook"

AN: pLeAsE cHecK oUt My bOoK

What's jungkook thinking ab

Why is Hoseok talking to you about jungkook first

What happened to you

WhAtS hApPenInG!.!!.!.&/&/@/99:


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