Chapter 7

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"We're her to take Y/N do I make myself clear?"

"Why though...? She's fine..."

He looked at me a hint of sympathy in his eyes

"S-she's ok.... right?"

He looked at taehyung motioning to go get
Y/N into the car

"Jungkook, you bit her. It's completely obvious. Usually by the day after a bite what does the victim look and smell like"
He asked monotone in complete seriousness

I tried to recal my last session of learning about bite effects from seokjins class years ago

"Ah, the- the victim gains energy and can walk by themselves and feel temptations of blood lust.. a-and they smell like a dewy spring morning..."

I look up at seokjin and look for answers in his eyes but he doesn't speak

What did I do to her...

"How long did you bite Y/N for..."

I think back to last night I bit so fast because I didn't want her to feel the pain I went through I didn't want it to linger on her skin for months of the burning pain, the first wither phase....

I know what I did

"Jungkook. Tell me what you did to her"

Tears formed in my eyes, I didn't want to come to the fact I didn't fully transfer

"I- I"
I cried, knowing the consequences that could fall on her all because I didn't take time

"You what spit it out"

Anger grew in me, he knows

"Don't make me say it"

Be grabs my shoulders harshly making me shrink up to his size

"You didn't fully transfer huh jungkook? You were that selfish to not transfer all the way!? And when do you bite someone expecting the outcome after a transfer and not tell anyone before hand huh!?"

He screamed at me obviously angry, his nails digging into the sockets of my shoulders making me yell out in pain, seokjin was definitely not the strongest out of the seven but when he was mad, nobody could stop the intense amount of power he could harness out of nowhere. That's why we listen to him.

"S-seok- seokjin p-please!!"
I yelled at him between gasps of breath

"Yo- your ripp-ing m- my"

Just then taehyung burst through the door and slammed seokjin from my grasp as I fell to the floor, the pain going away relieved I can breathe

If he hadn't came any seconds jin would have definitely ripped my shoulder blades from my collarbones, that's how strong he is...

"Hyung!!! Stop we need to go now!!"
Tae yells at jin as he calms his breathing looking down at the floor, he's not one to be put in his place either

I shoot him a glare as taehyung helps me up, Jin sending a glare equally as strong back at me

As tae walked me down the hall he talked to me

"She's not showing signs jungkook..."

That could mean two things,

No signs of a transfer meaning she could most likely die...

Or no signs of human abilities, meaning she could also die...

"You need to be m-more specific.."
I cough at the pain in my upper chest

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