Chapter 10

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I messed up

I messed up so bad

I walked around my room with my hands in my hair...

"I keep hurting her"

First was I left her and planned on never coming back, then I bit her and she fell into some hell of a coma and died, then I want to hold her while I feel like I still can and I hurt her more...

I'm pitiful

"I'm so pitiful..."

I choked out words and tears welled in my eyes

This was the most I've cried in 24 hours I think

Maybe it's just best if I did leave...


"So in the long run you basically died, you went into a mental state of shock which sent your brain into bodily panic causing you to go in v-fib, it's where your heart quivers instead of pumping blood properly- then once your body couldn't do anymore you stopped breathing, I told jungkook to get water and while he was gone I used a tool, it's a thing called automated external defibrillator-"

All this happened to me..?

What the hell...

"So jungkook came back and I used the wet wa-"


"Hold on- it's important, I used the wash cloth and placed it over your face the dampness gave your body well- the state you were in, normally would not work on a human but I needed to test a few things, you were technically dead but since you have I don't know, vampire like uh- traits? ... abilities? It kind of supercharged your nerves causing you to wake up a-"


"Ok what.."

His soft eyes showing no aggravation looked at me, he's absolutely gorgeous

Heck all of them are..

"Is it ok that I see jungkook? I don't have good feeling about him being alone..."

Hoseok stares at me for a while before showing a heart shaped smile which made me feel more comfortable

"Sure, his rooms upstairs, first door to the right"

I nodded

Will I be a able to walk though, that's the question...

I take a deep breath and my feet touch the cold marble floors of his emergency room

How in the name of Mother Nature am I standing

"Excellent progress Y/N"

Still though, how am I doing this

"Should I be concerned Hoseok?"

He giggles a soft tune.

"Nah~ this is expected, it might be one of your special abilities"

Special abilities...

I took a step and felt no pain or weakness, more like I could practically run a marathon

With a turn I see hoseoks chair lift up as pressure releases form it with a wheeze and he walks to my side

Without warning his warm, toned arm under my waist which made me yelp at the sudden contact, he only laughed

"Chill small fry, I'm helping you"


We started to walk out the door and he held it open for me as I could start to feel my strength come back to me,

I no longer felt pain but intense power

Hoseok let go of my waist and looked at me easily take steps by myself as I looked at him

"Thanks Hoseok"

Another soft smile while he put his hands in his pockets

"No problem!"
He chirped

"Oh and Y/N?"

I turn around

"Welcome to the family my love.."

This has to be cut short because I have homework and I edited all day

@ sugesthix on instagram bro I make bomb video edits ( )

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