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"I give her an eight," Noah says pointing at a girl who just walked through the door.

"Yeah, if you're blind," I say taking a drag of my cigarette, "I mean yeah she's hot, but not fuckable," I say checking her out. Her hair was too dark and her eyes gave me a wrong vibe.

"Harold, you obviously have not had enough to drink," Noah says pushing my beer which was sitting on the table, closer to me. We were at the bar doing our usual scope of the place.

"No, I'm just trying to find the right girl. Last night was a fucking mess," I say remembering the slut I laid last night. She was very touchy and made me feel uncomfortable. I swear you can never find a decent girl in this god damned bar.

"What was wrong with Shelby, I thought she was very friendly," Noah says smirking, taking another sip of beer.

"You're an asshole," I say taking another breath of my cigarette.

"No really, I'm serious. Shelby was very kind. I thought the way she basically raped you at Aiden's party yesterday in front of everyone was very lovely," he says laughing and I roll my eyes.

A lot of times I question why Noah is my friend. He's a sarcastic little bitch. He always is acting like a fucking four year old, cracking jokes which aren't even funny.

"Noah you're an idiot," I say slapping the back of his head. Noah just shrugs his shoulders, accepting it.

I scoped the bar again and couldn't help but find my eyes focused on a girl sitting alone at the bar. Her hair a perfect shade of brown falling down to the middle of her back.

"Noah, what about her?" I questioned him pointing at the mystery girl.

"Damn, I'll give her a solid 9.7," Noah says checking her out.

"Good, I'm gonna go talk to her," I say standing up, making my way over to the bar.

I take the seat next to her, and I can see she is taken off guard.

"Can I have a beer please?" I ask the bartender while pulling out another cigarette.

While the bartender goes to get my beer, I turn my attention towards the beautiful woman sitting next to me. I finally notice the bright blue eyes glaring at me with confusion.

"Oh I'm sorry love, do you want something?" I ask her eyeing her down.

"I want you to leave," she says sassily.

"Ouch. Are you sure babe? You look lonely, I can change that," I say scooting closer to her, resting my hand on her thigh, rubbing my hand up and down.

"Okay, wow. You are really bad at this flirting thing," she says pulling my hand off her thigh. I noticed how warm her small hands were.

"I mean it could be easier if you would go along with my flirting. What's your name?" I ask her, starring into her bright eyes.

"Why would I tell you my name? You're just a little player who is here with your little friend trying to find your next sex victim," she says pointing at Noah who was watching us with hawk eyes. When he sees us look at him, he smiles and waves towards us.

Well way to make it obvious Noah.

"I just want a name to put on that beautiful face of yours," I say to her. My flirting skills are shit, and I can tell she agrees.

"Wow, okay you are worse than I thought. How about you go back to your little friend over there and find a girl who is a little less smarter than I am. No wait let me help you," she says looking around the bar, "right over there, she seems just right for ya," she says pointing towards a table in the far corner of the bar.

"That is a fucking guy," I say to her getting frustrated, "How about we just go back to my place and I can show you how to have a fun time," I say setting my hand on her thigh again, drawing my fingers, closer and closer to her sensitive area.

"Get the fuck away from me you perv," she says elbowing me in the stomach. I immediately take my hand away. When she gets up to walk away, my eyes travel down the whole length of her body.

"Call me!" I shout, as she walks towards the door.

She quickly turns around and smiles, flipping her middle finger in the air before walking out the door into the cold night air.

I hear clapping coming towards me and I turn to see it's Noah walking towards me smiling like an idiot.

"Wow dude, that was impressive," he says patting my back and sitting next to me in the seat she was sitting in.

"Noah, I think she broke my rib cage," I say holding my stomach where she elbowed me. She has quite the arm.

"Man up Harold, did she steal your balls?" Noah asks smirking.

"Noah I'm going to beat the shit out of you," I say to him grabbing my beer that was now sitting on the countertop.

"Is somebody butt hurt because you couldn't dive in?" He asks being his weird self.

"You are the stupidist person I know Noah, do you even have a fucking brain?" I ask.

"Your just jealous of how I can score a beautiful babe like my beautiful babe Emma," he says smirking. He was right, I was jealous, but I wouldn't ever let him know that.

He obviously realized his mistake and sighed.

"How about we have a round of shots, to get your mind off things," Noah says patting my shoulder.

"You are an ass Noah, but let's do it," I say.

"Can I have a round of shots for me and my boy?" He shouts at the bartender.

I don't know why it affected me so much. But something about the mystery girl, had me attached. Yeah, I wanted to fuck her so hard, but I actually wouldn't have minded getting to know her.


"He was a dick. Like I didn't even get my drink and that's all I went there for," I complain my friend Alexis through the phone.

"To me, he sounds hot," she says.

"What the hell Lex, you don't even know what he looks like," I remind her.

"He doesn't seem that bad, and you said he was British, that's a bonus," she says.

"But he was a pervert. He was really touchy and rude," I say to her.

"Touchy is good sometimes," she says and I almost gag.

"Okay Alexis, you haven't even met him so stop defending him. He made a dick move," I complain to her more.

"Do you think he was hot?" She asks.

"Well yeah, but he was still a douche," I tell her.

"So, I would still go for it," she tells me. Wise words from my dearest friends.

"Okay Alexis, you are creeping me out. I'm going to do something normal now," I tell her.

"You know I'm right," she shouts in the phone.

"I'm hanging up the phone!" I shout back hanging up the phone. She may be my best friend, but she is weird as fuck.



hey guysssss!! my name is Maddie! so here is chapter one. it is kind of short but they will be longer don't worry. so as you can see I don't like capitalization so yeah sorry lol.

well I hope you dig the Fab Four:)

see ya next time.


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