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I woke up the the blaring sound of my alarm. It stung my head sending waves of needing pain threw my body. I slapped the alarm, turning it off. I dropped back down engulfed in sheets. I held my head with my hand trying to either forget or remember last night. My eyes squeezed them selfs shut thinking about jumping in a table, which I vaguely remember. Groaning I sat up, with my eyes still closed, and rolled off the bed. Making my way to the bathroom very slowly.

Not bothering to look in the mirror at the beast that was going to show it's nasty face, I opened the mirror cabinet for some Advil. I closed the cabinet grabbing a small paper cup, stacked on many others, filling it with water. I slugged down the pill and opened my eyes. I put the bottle back and closed the cabinet

I cringed at the creature before me. Tangled hair, and smudged make up weren't the worst part. My cloths were slightly clinging to my body and my breath tasted like liquor and dog shit. My throat burned every time I swallowed. My body slumped down and I had awful posture.

"Well shit." I sighed looking at myself. I had no clue how the absolute hell I was gonna get the knots and tangles out of my hair. My body ached and I don't know why. I know for a fact that I didn't have sex. I turned the shower on and stripped down hoping a cold shower would wake me up and ice my headache.

I didn't take to long of a shower. I just washed my body and hair, shaving my legs. The usual routine. When I stepped out I my mind went blanco for a second making my legs give out. Thankfully I had grabbed the counter with my hand in time not to hit my head. Slowly bringing myself back up.

I made sure I was wrapped in a towel and my hair was as well before stepping out into my bedroom. When I opened the door cold air rushed in blowing the steam away. My body instantly gained goose bumps all over.

I hurried to the closet grabbing plain black legging and my black, purple, and grey Mexican jacket. I grabbed a black bra and black panties. I ran back to the bathroom quickly shutting the door.

(For the ones who don't know what is please buy one and look them up they are so comfy and lovely)

I slipped on my underwear and legging. I wiggled into my big comfy jacket. I re wrapped my hair in a towel.

All I remember is Noah texting Harry from my phone that I'd go with I obviously have no say in anymore. I also remember Alexis punching someone in the face. I don't know who and I have no idea why. Probably because they called her a ginger. She gets really offended by that for some reason.

Almost on cue my phone rang, the caller was Alexis.

"Hello?" I answered.
"Meet my at the park in ten minutes."

"Okay but why?" I answered to late, she had already hung up. I groaned taking the phone away from my ear. I gently threw it down on my white puffy sheets. I threw my body back being caught by the comfort of my bed.

"What now..." I said trailing off puffing air out of my mouth angrily. I sat up lazily walking down the stairs, grabbing my keys and small purse. I shoved my wallet in my purse along with my phone. I opened the door hopping in my car and driving away.

The roads were relatively quiet. There were hardly any cars out and there weren't very many people on the streets either. I expected the park to be empty. Which It was.

When I stopped my car in a parking space close to where I knew Alexis would want to meet me. Of course she was late. I sat in my car for about five minutes staring at the park as memories flushed my mind.

As soon as I opened my door a warm breeze brushed up on my exposed skin. I slammed my door and ducked my head down, not wanting the view to interrupt my thoughts.

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