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"Dude, is Christian coming over?" I heard Noah ask from my kitchen. He was probably trying to eat my entire food supply.

"Yeah, he should be over any time now." I shout to him, taking another hit. Christian was like a brother to me. His family was always close to mine while growing up back in the UK. I texted Christian earlier, asking him to bring me alcohol, so I can forget about all my problems.

"So you never mentioned how your date went last night?" Noah asked as he sat on the couch across from me, holding a giant bag of Doritos. "By the looks of it, it didn't go well?" He said gesturing towards the weed I was smoking.

"It went perfect." I said, taking another puff. "That's the problem." I confirmed, letting the weed heal my aching head. I had one of the best nights I've ever had in a long time, and that's why I hated it.

"Dude, did you get laid?" He asked with a mouth full of chips. I shook my head, taking another hit. It's been a long time since I've gone out and haven't banged a woman. I usually would refuse, but Evelyn was an exception. There is something about her that made me want to hold off; to keep her longer.

"Hey pass me that," Noah muttered making grabby hands at the blunt in between my thumb and pointer finger.

I scrunched my nose at his Doritos fingers. "Have it, I'll just get a new one. I think Christian is gonna be here any second anyway." I handed it over to him, getting up to walk back to my bedroom. The small ziplock of weed sat on my desk. I walked over quickly snatching up the bag, and walked back out to the living room where Noah sat, looking dazed.

"Here roll me another, and one for Christian." I tossed the bag at Noah, and he let out a giggle but obliged to my request.

As if on cue, there was a knock at the door. I walked up to the door, and opened it. Christian held a six pack of beer in his hand.

"Hey mate!" Christian cheered, hugging me with his open arm. I returned the side hug, after shutting the door I led him to the living room area. Where Noah was just finishing rolling up the second blunt.

"Alright Christian, this is Noah. He was my first American friend, he's a bit of a twat but I deal with it." Harry gestured to Noah, in which Noah gave a dopey smile on Christian's direction.

"Hey, I'm not a twat," Noah defends himself, eating more chips. He laughs, obviously finding the word 'twat' amusing.

"So, how have you been?" Christian asks, taking a seat in the recliner across from where I say down.

"I've been well, haven't talked to ya in forever mate," I say popping open one of the beers he brought in.

"I know, so how's your girl?" Christian asks, making me go pale.

I forget I haven't talked to him since way before everything happened. It made me grow cold, as all the memories went through my head. All the memories, I begged to be forgotten. They hurt too much to think about.

"So, how long have you been in the US?" Noah asks, glancing at me, and then glancing back at Christian. I silently thanked him for changing the subject and took another drink of my beer.

"I got here two days ago, just visiting for a bit, checking out some universities and such and then I'm heading back over the pond," Christian says taking a drink. Him and Noah got into a full on conversation about different universities around the area, while I sat in silence.

I pulled out my phone and unlocked it, going into messages. I went through my previous conversations with Evelyn and shook my head at how sassy she was. Growing the balls, I decided to text her, not caring much about what the two boys were discussing next to me.

I texted her a simple 'hey' hoping I got some sort of answer. I don't think she hated the date last night, so hopefully she will reply.

Luckily, after a few minutes, she did respond, resulting in me naturally smirking to myself.

Evelyn: hello Harry

Harry: what are you doing?

Evelyn: just getting off work

Harry: want to come over and have sex with me?

Evelyn: nice try

Harry: damn, worth a shot. no really, would you like to come over and hang out? my friends are twats and won't stop talking about uni

Evelyn: promise you won't try and get in my pants?

Harry: I don't promise anything

Evelyn: goodbye harold

Harry: I'm joking babe. I really want you to come and hang out with me

Evelyn: Are you high? Did you just call me babe?

Harry: Calling you babe, has nothing to do with me being high, but to answer your question; yes, I am high

Forty messages later, I finally convinced Evelyn to come over. Shockingly, she said she wasn't surprised about me being high, and she said she didn't care. Setting my beer down on the coffee table, I stood, causing Christian and Noah to look over at me.

"Where you going mate?" Christian asks, sipping his beer.

"Getting dressed," I say glancing down at my shirtless torso and sweatpants.

"Are you hanging out with Evelyn?" Noah smirks, raising his eyebrows.

"Evelyn is coming over here," I tell them.

"Who is Evelyn?" Christian asks confused.

"Evelyn is Harry's girlfriend," Noah whispers to Christian.

"She is not my girlfriend," I yell. "I don't do girlfriends anymore," I tell him sadly.

Noah sighed loudly, taking another hit. Usually, Noah doesn't smoke a lot of weed, but he does it occasionally and I guess he is in the mood. "When Evelyn gets here, please don't scare her away," I tell them, and they both nod.

I walk into my room and pull my pants off, and grab a pair of black skinny jeans out of my drawer. Grabbing a white shirt, I pulled it on over my head. Deciding to wear my hear down, I shook out my head of curls and let them flow freely.

I heard the knock on the door as I sprayed some cologne, and I instantly knew I had to hurry to the door so the tools that I call my friends won't do anything I will regret.

I walked out of my room and instantly regretted it.

"Harry is madly in love with you, he wants to ask you to marry him" Noah says with a cheeky grin. I could tell he was a bit high, and a bit drunk. Evelyn's cheeks were red as she glanced at me from where she stood.

Fucking Noah.





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